Have you escaped yet?

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The gentle tap on his shoulder caught his attention as he turned to face his friend. M/n's eyes twinkled as he faced Fukuda but the male didnt seem as enthustiastic as he was.

That,however,was nothing unusual.

"Fukuda-san, is something wrong?" The h/c asked. He was about to head towards the prison cells to guard Jack but if he was needed elsewhere,he wouldnt mind.

"No. Remember the investigation we had with..." Fukuda grimaced "That Kisu-brat?"

That didn't happen too long ago, M/n still remembered. They had ended the investigation when the lack of clues irritated Fukuda. The suspect had been very cautious upon leaving any evidence but they werent going to give up.

The h/c nodded in confirmation. He wondered why the brunette had brought it up. Perhaps they had found something while M/n watched over the criminal.

"Well- we did but,its sort of...vague," Fukuda knew it would have been impossible but the recent crimes had been looking like they had been made by the same person.

That person would be the one sleeping soundly in the prison cell #413. Prisoner Jack Haruhiku.

Fukuda debated whether to tell
M/n or not. It seemed silly that the prisoner could have done this when he was being watched non-stop all day.

Just to be sure. Fukuda tried to reassure himself but the persistent thought kept bugging him.

"Hey," His chocolate eyes focused on the shaking ground. Maybe it wasnt the ground that was shaking as he tried to hold himself. His hands clammed up, the room suddenly felt humid and he gapped as if he couldnt breathe.

Fukuda may have numerous expirience with being a cop,but nobody could say they shouldnt be scared even with anything related to their profession.

This was their long wanted criminal they were talking about after all.

It didn't take a pro to notice the sudden change in demeanor, and the panic in Fukuda's eyes made M/n worried.

He reached for the male and called for him. Before his hand reached the brunet, Fukuda continued talking. As much as he tried to sound professional about it, the silent quiver in his voice was evident.

"Is Jack still in his cell?"


Okay,lets be honest. The line "the silent quiver in his voice was evident" just suddenly popped in my mind but I honestly dont know about Silent Quiver lol.

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