Chapter 3

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"How are you feeling babe?" Nadine asks as she flops herself down on the sand next to Cheryl who was sitting with her hood up, watching the sea.

"Still sore, I feel like me arm is going to fall off the pain is that bad" she admits.

"It won't get better until you get a cast on that" Nadine says sadly as she pulls the hoody open a little bit to see the sling that Cheryl has on, making sure its secure.

"I would offer you a paracetomal but you can't mix it with vodka and I don't want to make you feel worse" Nadine Laughs as she gently covers her back up with her hoody.

"I know, don't worry, I will be fine"

"Of course you will" Nadine smiles, wrapping her arm around Cheryls waist.

"It doesn't look good does it?" Cheryl says after a few moments of silence.

"What doesn't look good?"

"Well we have been here for almost two days, surely they should be able to find us by now?"

"They will be here in no time cheryl, and when we do, I will back you up and we will cancel the tour, I wish I wasn't so hard on you, I should have known you weren't ready.."

"I'm not, but you were right, it wasn't fair on Hilary, its not your fault Nadine, sh!t happens, at least we can maybe get away with not doing the tour considering what's happened, plus if I have a broken arm I don't think I'm going to be able to do any dance moves for a while" Cheryl laughs as she rests her head on Nadine's Shoulder.

"Come on, you should get some rest" standing up, Nadine's holds her hand out for Cheryl to hold onto as she helps her up.

They walked slowly back to where they had made camp, Nadine stopping as they got close.

"I'm just going to go get some wood for the fire, you head up, I'll be back in 5"

"I will come with you" Cheryl offered but Nadine was quick to shrug her off.

"Cheryl you have a broken arm and possibly broken ribs, your in pain, go lay down, we are on an island in the middle of nowhere, what could possibly happen to me" Nadine Laughed at the look that flashed across Cheryls face as she opened her mouth.

"Nadine that is not funny, when people say that in horror films, they usually die!"

"Chill Chez, I'll be back in 5 minutes" she said as she gave Cheryl a kiss and walked off, leaving Cheryl to walk the short distance back.

Cheryl stopped as she reached the fire, noticing that Nicola and Sarah weren't there, Just kimberley.

"where are the girls?" She asks quietly, keeping her distance as she looks around the beach trying to see if she can see them.

"They are just away to get wood for the fire" Kimberley answers. "Where did Nadine go?"

"To get wood"

"Cheryl you can sit down you know, I'm not going to hurt you, The girls will be back any second" Kimberley sighs as she watches her ex wife.

"I don't want to be anywhere near you" Cheryl says but it comes out in a whisper, she looked nervous and she had no intention of sitting down, even though her arm and her stomach were killing her.

"Please Cheryl, I have told you I'm sorry so many times..."

"Your sorrys mean nothing kimberley, I heard them so many times, its just a word to you, you don't actually mean it"

"I do mean it, I always meant it, but I mean it more than I ever did" Cheryl could tell she was genuinely sorry, but she didn't want to know.

Kimberley stood up quickly, making Cheryl Jump and take a step backwards and tripping over a single piece of wood that was lying in the sand.

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