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(still in the flashback)

******Years Later*******

"Lalisa Manoban come down here at once!" her mother shouted, a hint of anger hidden shallow in her voice. Lalisa only looked at the door and then back outside, a calm knock sounded from her door.
"Come in," she mumbled, the door squeaked open, revealing a maid dressed in a formal uniform.
"Tell her I am currently unavailable." Lalisa interrupted, the maid stood by the chair she was seated in, shocked.

"But ma'am, it's about a war.", Lalisa turned her head towards the maid and sighed, getting up.
"Tell her I'll be coming now. I won't take long." Lalisa said, the maid nodded and scurried out of the room in a second, not taking a millisecond to even look back at the furious princess. Lalisa followed slowly after the maid and down the grand stairs, facing her mother, impatient and tapping her foot at the bottom.

"Why. Why am I here?"
"Sorry.." Lalisa muttered, looking down.
"Alright, take a seat.", her mother held out her hand towards a vacant seat, Lalisa sat down, again, facing her mother. Her mother sighed and leaned closer,
"Listen, I need you to go to help Queen Kim in the war alongside Malee."

The door burst open, showing a panicked woman, 
"Queen Manoban.The war moved to South Korea now, Queen Kim already verified it.." the woman panicked, catching her breath. Queen Manoban looked at Lalisa, worried, she scurried off her seat, grabbing Lalisa's hand and rushing to her room. Their heels clicked on the floor and echoed through the hallways, all the way to the doors of Lalisa's room. Her mother lightly pushed her inside and was panting.

"Pack up, you're leaving soon."
Lalisa's mother walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder,
"You're the strongest woman I know, please. For me and Sarah."
Lalisa nodded and silently left, packing up armour and necessary clothes. She pulled it off the bed, one shoulder was drooping lower than the other.
"I'm ready.." Lalisa whispered, her head hanging low.

Her mother nodded and directed her outside,
"Here, get inside. You'll be travelling with Malee.", Lalisa leaned her head on the wall behind her and held Malee's hand.
"Do you think we'll survive?" Malee asked, Lalisa opened one eye and stared at her.
"I don't know, honestly." she sighed, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep, Malee could only stare at Lalisa, shocked.

"I'll protect you." Malee smiled, holding Lalisa's hand and resting her head on the younger's shoulder, sleeping.

The carriage came to a stop a few days later, both women emerged from it and looked at the scene in front of them,
"I told you to hold them ba-" a woman screamed.
"SHUT UP!" the man next to her shouted, piercing his sword inside her chest, her muffled groans escaped her lips as tears ran down her fear-filled face.
"Shut it.", he pulled the sword out and walked inside the castle, Lalisa ran up to her, her dress trailing behind her.

"Are you okay?!" Lalisa said, caressing the woman's hair.
"D-Do I l-look okay?" the girl hissed, her gaze piercing into Lalisa's stern one, a sharp pain came from her ribs, making her hiss in pain. Lalisa helped her up and carried her bridal style,
"Malee follow me." Lalisa groaned, trying to keep the girl up. Lalisa ran to the medical room wherever the hell it even was.

She pushed open the doors with all the strength she had and laid the girl on the bed, grabbing the attention of nurses.
"I'll pay for it, hold on.", Lalisa scrambled in her bag, searching for money. She pulled out a stack of money and handed to each of them,
"Keep it and give her the best treatment you have here."

The nurses and doctors started their jobs immediately and Lalisa left the room, meeting Malee outside the room.
"What did you do.."
"Nothing.", Lalisa stepped on the first step of the grand stairway before Malee grabbed her forearm, pulling Lalisa towards her.
"Tell me."
"I paid the nurses and doctors for the best treatment for the girl."
"Don't keep these things a secret from me."
"Alright, jeez." Lalisa rolled her eyes.

They headed up to their room, Lalisa collapsing on the bed and sighing,
"I'm going to wash up then maybe go somewhere." Lalisa sat up and stared at Malee who currently was unpacking.
"Suit yourself, just don't get lost."
"Okay, I'm going now!"
"No.", Lalisa put her index finger onto Malee's lips, restricting her to speak, she just rolled her eyes as Lalisa exited the room and skipped down the halls.


The night breeze hit Lalisa's face as she sat on the grass, barely visible in the dark, only the moon and the miniature stars shining above her. Lalisa sighed and closed her eyes, laying down.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" a small voice whispered, Lalisa's eyes shot open and stared at the voice. The same girl that Lalisa carried to the medical room.
"Are you okay now?" Lalisa whispered back, the girl sitting near her, staring up.
"I'm fine now. I forgot to ask, what's your name?"
"Lalisa Manoban, yours?"
"Kim Jisoo, I have one sister named Jennie." the girl smiled, Lalisa's eyes widened in shock.
"J-Jennie?. As in Kim Jennie?"
"Yep, why?"
"No reason." Lalisa shrugged but then smiled to herself at the thought of Jennie.

𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒅 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 ~ 𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂 𝑭𝒂𝒏 𝑭𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now