PDH Soulmate AU~ Travis X Reader: Love At Last

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Ya know, I bet some people in an alternate universe think it would be cool to have a tattoo that tells you who your soulmate is.

Well not me.

I hate it.

I've had my tattoo since I was five. Which means I came in contact with my soul mate when I was five. But I could never find who it was.

Everyone else in my entire school except for some of the freshmen had already found their soulmate.

But I was a freaking Sophomore and still stuck alone.

My best friend, Katelyn, had found her's. My little brothers had found theirs'.

Everyone I knew had found that one special person that had the same tattoo as them.

Mine was just a few words written across my collar bone in black ink.

"Love Comes with Patience."

I thought about my life and who my soulmate could possibly be, but was pulled out of my daze by my best friend being a dumbass.

You see, she and I were running the volleyball booth at the club open house.

And she was trash talked by a freshman.

So, she did the most Katelyn thing possible in that situation. She grabbed a volleyball off of the table and stood up. I started to panic, and with good reason.

"Katelyn, don't do that. It's a stupid idea." I warned.

she ignored me and threw the ball up into the air and hit it as hard as she could, making it soar across the crowded gym.

And then there was a gigantic thud.

And I started panicking.

"KATELYN!" I screamed.

"Hehe, oops..." She muttered in response and hit her lower lip.

I sighed dramatically and pushed through the crowd until I found what had been hit;

But it wasn't a "what", it was a "who".

A freshman boy with white hair was lying on the floor, unconscious with a bruise already forming under his left eye. A freshman girl, probably his soulmate or something, was standing by looking shocked and horrified.

"I-IS HE DEAD?!" She exclaimed in panic.

I laughed lightly.

"No, he's just dazed. He's lucky Katelyn didn't hit the ball hard enough to take his head off." I assured her and have her a good-natured smile.

"O-okay..." She said nervously.

I winked at her in joking way.

"What's your boyfriend's name, Freshman?" I asked.

She turned a deep shade of red.

"H-he's not my boyfriend! I-I j-just met him!" She squeaked.

"Ah, I see. Well, either way. What's his name?" I repeated.


I chuckled. "Hm, okay. I'd better help you get him to the nurse's office."

He wasn't all that heavy, so I hoisted him up and carried him over my shoulder.

The nurse's office was just down the hall, so it really didn't take too long for the Freshman and I to get there.

"Really (Y/N)? Katelyn hit someone again?" The nurse, Mrs. Conner, asked.

"Mhm. Though I don't completely blame her. Some random Freshman girl was trash talking her and saying she couldn't be all that good." I said and nodded.

Mrs. Conner chuckled.

"Ah, well at least that Freshman must have learned a valuable lesson today. Never mess with Katelyn."

I laughed.


"And who are you, young lady? The boy's soulmate?" Mrs Conner questioned the freshman.

"N-no! My name's Aphmau! I'm his friend." She said.

"Ah, well, it's a pleasure to meet you, young lady. (Y/N), you can go ahead and put him on one of the cots while I grab an ice pack."

"Yes Ma'am." I replied and set the boy on the nearest cot.

I sat down next to him, as did Aphmau. Aphmau and I chatted for a couple minutes before I glanced over to see that Travis' first button had come undone and his shirt was wrinkle. His collar bone was exposed and I saw scribbles in black ink. I leaned closer and got a better look at what it said.

"Love Comes with Patience."

My eyes went wide as I took a good look at the unconscious teen boy.

Could he have really been it? The one?

Well, either way, I guess our tattoos were right.

After all, love comes with patience.

Hello everyone and thank you for reading this remake of my first ever one-shot. I decided to change things quite a bit from the original, but this one-shot was initially requested in my other book by . She's a friend of mine and a great person, so go give her a follow~!

Love you, My Internet Nuggets~!

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