Author's note

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Hello readers :3

I'm Zephyr, I'm fairly new to writing stories and such. But only really new to the part about publishing stories for others to read. I write quite a few short stories, sometimes for friends, but mostly for my own entertainment. I've recently been drawn into wanting to write a sorta long termed story that I can post so others can read it and I believe it'll be a good start to do so on Wattpad.

I am sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I make. I'm not amazing at writing but I do think I'm pretty well. I will always accept constructive criticism and feedback but will not accept any harmful comments or anything. This story will hopefully be at least 20-25 chapters long, and probably longer, tho it depends on how you guys (and gals) like it.

This author's note will most likely be include on a later get to know me type of thing I'll post.

I hope you enjoy the story and everyone have a nice day.

(Also, quick note: I hope everyone stays safe and well educated on the current situation everyone around the globe is affected by in one way or another. That, of course, being the Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, whichever you prefer to call it. It is truly sad that many are dying from this disease but don't panic or fall victim to the other pandemic spreading. Hysteria. We will get through this just fine as long as we all follow our government's and authority's guidelines without panicking with no need. Practice healthy habits like washing your hands and such. You should already be washing hand and practicing good hygiene and to those that are, good job and keep it up. To those that aren't, please do, it's not just yourself you're putting at risk but you are also putting everyone around and in contact physically with you at risk.

I know this story may be read by many people after this whole pandemic dies off and to them don't mind this, this is only a reminder of the past to you all)

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