part 6

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So this is the last part...
Love you all for loving this story....
My exam will start  in between 15-20 March.. .
Till then may be I will not able to update 
(not sure ...may be  I update when I got time and mood... heheh 😂😂😂)

Please forgive me for mistakes....


Ommkara went inside OM....he reach hall...

He saw everyone was present there.... But his racing heart is searching for his gauri...
Then... He spot her.... sitting on sofa with her head hung down..  his heart ache to see her like this...

Everyone looked at ommkara...
Dadi was sitting another sofa...
Everyone was tensed...
Anivya was standing near gauri..
But rudra was looking angry...

"Ga... gauri "

Finally ommkara spoke.
Gauri looks up... her eyes was red and swAllen....
She stood up slowly with blank face and came to him...
Looking straight into his eyes...

Ommkara was looking at her with tearful eyes...
Everyone was really tensed that they are silent...

"Welcome....dilpritji.... or as I say... Mr ommkara Singh oberoi "

Gauri said with heavy voice...
Her heart was shattered....
She was feeling lifeless right now...

Ommkara throat dry...
He was not able to speak...

"Just one question.... why?"

Gauri ask and tear rolling on her cheeks... it really painful for omki and her...

"Gauri... I... I can explain everything... But.. . But first let's go from here.... this place is not safe for you"

Ommkara plead....

"Why should I go with a stranger.... "

Gauri said painfully..

"Stranger? "

Ommkara ask shock..

"Yes... you are a stranger for me... I know my dilpritji only... I don't know who is ommkara singh oberoi...."

Gauri said crying badly...

"Gauri.... please listen to me.... please stop crying.... it's not good for you "

Ommkara try to hold her but she push him in anger....

"What was my fault that you did this with me... ? I was living in a lie.... I was always thinking you as dilpritji who didn't even exist.... my whole life is a lie"

She was crying...

"No gauri please don't say like that.... my love is not a lie... I love you truly "

Ommkara also have tears...

"Don't said about true love... who never said a truth to me.. you have a family? You are not dilpritji... you are an artist... tell me what is left to lie? I just want to die ... I just"

"Gauri... please stop it... listen to me once"

Ommkara tried to explain...
But she is not listening... She was broken...

(Sorry for not show their emotions perfectly)

"Puttar... listen to him once... He have reasons"

At last Dadi spoke...
Gauri looked at her with teary eyes...

"Reasons? What kind of reasons he have that he hide his identity from me... ? Why"

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