Roleplay 18+

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Lacella had been sitting at the bar for some time, debating on whether she should get up and do something else or continuing to sit there drinking. She had been feeling down for the past few hours wondering about her living life. So it was one of the rare times she decided to drink.

Freak was exhausted. Earlier that day he had to deal with annoying drunks at a bar and got into a fight. He had a slight black eye, but other than that he was fine. By the time Lacella decided to stand up to lay down, she was blackout drunk. She stumbled her way to the elevator never making it because she fell flat on her face.

Freak jerked awake at the loud hit on the floor. His eyes darted around the room quickly until they landed on a passed out Lacella. She was laying in the middle of the lobby, snoring softly with her butt up in the air. He chuckled at this. He stood up and made his way over to her, picked her up and laid her down on the couch. After he was done, he dusted himself off.

Lacella turned over and shifted from being moved and continued snoring but louder. Freak chuckled quietly, careful not to wake her. He went to the other side of the couch and lied down. He rested his cheek in the palm of his hand. Freak glanced over to the other couch. His eyes widened as he noticed none other than Mr. Jarvis.

Lunar bursts through the door partially freezing it and shattering it in the process "What up all y'all bloody cunt's!!" Freak jumped about a foot in the air.

"Well hello there." Mr. Jarvis greeted. Lacella sat up quickly, eyes darting around the room alert.

"FUCK!" Freak shouted while he glared at the door.

"I have such a hangover right now..." Lacella mumbled.

"No one gives a shit." He said. "Who's over there?" He pointed to the door, which was out of his view. Lacella scowls at Freak. He glanced back over at Lacella. "What?"

Mr. Jarvis asked no one one particular, "So when is this Charlie person coming?"

"I wish I knew!" He smiled widely at Jarvis.

"I've been here for God knows how long. Like Jesus who's running this place?" Mr. Jarvis complained.

"Ha! That's funny!" Lacella says slurring slightly.

"You just said, my good fellow!" Freak replied back to him. Freak smoothed his hair back and looked back to Lacella with a slightly concerned look. "I think I should take you to your room!" He pulled her up and in one motion, slung her over his shoulder.

"Hey! Take a lady to dinner first!" Lacella yelled, flailing around on his shoulder.

"Not quite yet, my dish!" He raised his index finger in a matter of fact way. "You need to rest!" She flushed and stilled. He walked towards the elevator.

Suddenly the front door opened. Luna flops onto the couch. Alastor strolled into the room, a permanent smile pasted on his face. His cane was existent in his hand. His arms were folded neatly behind his back. Luna lifts her head from the couch pillow and notices the lanky wendigo "yo Alastor them's some nice gams daddy" she screeches from across the room.

Alastor stopped dead in his tracks. "Excuse me?" He slowly turned his head to the demoness lying on the couch. The Antlers upon his head grew longer every second he stared at her, his eyes forming into radio dials.

Freak turned his head towards the conversation. He turned away quickly, Lacella still on his shoulder. The elevator went up as soon as they stepped in.

"I said, " she started slowly, "them's some nice... fucking....gams daddy." She progressively got louder at the end. Alastor's smile twitched. She stared at him with the smuggest grin possibly. A small red 'x' appeared on the overlord's forehead as his head tilted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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