What started it all

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( Did i miss spell buss? Bus....? oof. )

I got up, brushed my teeth and threw on a random pair of jeans that were on the floor.
I looked through my closet for a shirt and decided on a plain black t-shirt along with my worn out,  black leather jacket and black converse for shoes.
My long white socks visible  because of the way I rolled up the ends of my jeans.
I walk out of my bedroom and down the hallway of my apartment. It was a cozy one bedroom two bathroom apartment with a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and a balcony.
Not much but it was home.

I walked in to the kitchen and grabbed my keys.
I check my phone for the time.


I'm early.

I'm supposed to meet my sister at her house to help her get ready. She invited me to a meet and greet of some sort.
I honestly don't want to go. I love her and all but I don't want the awkwardness.

I walk out of my apartment, lock the door and take the stairs down. I pull out my phone a few minutes in to walking. Admiring my surroundings. From the cars passing by to the cloudy sky above me.  I take a deep breath of air, the smell of fall filling my senses.
Music blasted through my head set in to my ears.
I  finally reached the bus stop. I looked at the bus schedules.
The one I'm taking gets here at 7:00AM
I check my phone for the time, 6:48AM.

I let out an exasperated sigh.
I close my eyes and drown my self in music to pass the time.
I must be extremely exhausted to fall asleep at a bus stop. And frankly- I was.

A light tap on the shoulder got me to wake up and open my eyes. I look up to see a very specific set of crystallized blue orbs.
I feel my face heat up.
He gestures to the bus and I nod.
I get up and turning off my music as I climb up the three steps to the bus.
Walking in I scan the half empty bus and spot a nice place to sit.

Some what in the middle. A two seat set.

I sit down next to the window. And start scrolling through my phone. Not really looking for anything specific.

A second later I feel another tap on my shoulder and I'm met with the same pair of breath taking eyes.
He points down at the seat next to me and I nod.  he sits next to me and I can't help but smile to myself.

Not knowing what to do in these type of situations.
I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

He looks directly at me. Our eyes meeting, neither of us breaking away,

And I freeze .

He smiles at me. The morning light hugging his features perfectly,

And I melt.

Finally I snap out of it when the bus starts moving.
I take a deep breath and smile back.

" hi..."
What started this?

That simple "hi " started everything.

The story that both broke me and rebuilt me. Because love is never a straight path.
It has loops and sometimes you get lost and have to find your way back to the unsteady trail.
But no matter what. Even  if you get lost, love is always there. Its just a matter of wether you are ready to fight for it or not.

( " love is never a straight path " )
(My gay ass squealing. )

(Any ways I hope y'all like this. If it keeps getting views then I guess I'll do my best to keep posting for those who are reading.

I am very interested in the story of these two dorks.

Also guys please forgive me for any  incorrect grammar and punctuation..

English is not my first language. I'm trying here-

Okay byyeee~ )

( I was tired so I wasn't able to review this. )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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