Baa Baa Black Sheep Have you any cool? (No sir No sir Melted like a Fool)

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Kaito may have just learned so much in one day that his mind was starting to melt. No it wasn't because of all the material he was studying with Hakuba in preparation for the upcoming tests. It was actually because of the many things he had discovered upon visiting the detective's house for their study session. More specifically upon being in Hakuba's room for the first time since he had already seen the rest of the house during previous visits.
The first thing he noticed was how immaculate the room was for the average teenage boy. But that was hardly surprising considering this was Hakuba he was dealing with and the little fact he was by far no average teenager, it was part of why Kaito liked him. He had even expected the large size of the room complete with various furnishings and book shelves given what he observed of the rest of the house. What really caught his eye was the cute and clearly well loved, plush sheep that sat propped up against the pillows on the queen sized bed. It was a slightly discoloured white and worn, but clean and still in good shape, about half the size of a cat. It looks like Hakuba has owned it for several years, probably since he was a child, and is fond of it. Kaito wasn't expecting to find something like this.
He didn't pause in following Hakuba to the square floor table where they sat down and began getting out their study material as he scanned the room. But the detective didn't miss the way his eyes had lingered for slightly longer on the plushie that sat upon the bed.
"Baaya gave it to me when I was four years old," His classmate began casually as he looked down at the textbook he opened, "Something to help comfort me since I started to have nightmares after..."
Hakuba didn't need to say, Kaito knew from some of their previous talks that like him, the blond sometimes had nightmares. Unlike him, they were about the things he encountered and learned from being a young detective and the son of the superintendent general of police. Hakuba had the bad luck to witness his first death at a dinner party he had attended with his father. Normally he wouldn't be invited to these gatherings at such a young age but since it was supposed to be a more casual gathering and the hostess had wanted her own daughter to meet Hakuba, the young boy went as well. Unfortunately one of the guests had plotted the death of another guest and was successful. The terrible sight had traumatised the young Hakuba who took about two months to be able to start eating properly again, consuming more than the bare minimum and without frowning or tearing up. Although the experience had been scary, there had also been a part of the boy that had discovered an interest in finding out why. Why people would do such a thing and how. This incident combined with the boy's growing love of the Sherlock Holmes stories he had begun to read, was how Hakuba Saguru started to become the brilliant detective he is today.

Kaito gave a hum of understanding at Hakuba's pause, indicating he could continue without verbalising that part.
His friend cleared his throat, "She gave me a soft sheep because 'I'm her little lamb and it's sweet looking like me'," at the next memory he gave a fond chuckle, "Also because she is my baaya."
Kaito couldn't help softly smiling along with Hakuba. But the blond's fond expression was soon replaced by slight anxiousness as he glanced up for a moment before returning his gaze to the textbook in front of him, "You don't find it odd that I'm still attached to a plush animal at my age do you?"
He couldn't answer fast enough to assuage his friend's needless anxiety, "Of course I don't." Hakuba looked up at him again as he immediately relaxed.
Giving a small shrug, "Sure I wasn't expecting it since the thought never crossed my mind but it's a nice surprise." Slightly leaning forward to prop his cheek against his fist, he added with a smile, "Plus I think it's cute, it's nice to see this soft side of the oh so cool detective."
Oh, he also wasn't expecting to learn how cute Hakuba's soft and grateful smile could be, so cute that he'd find himself wanting to blush as well. "Anyways!" He quickly sat up, "Enough chit chat." With a flourish the magician summoned a pencil and opened one of his textbooks, "Time to get to work, that's why we're here." Right he was here to study for the test with his classmate, not get distracted by the admittedly handsome boy.
Hakuba nodded, humming in agreement, and began to study as well.

Baa Baa Black Sheep Have you any cool? (No sir No sir Melted like a Fool)Where stories live. Discover now