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Yes i threw up again, No i'm not gonna tell Titus

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Yes i threw up again, No i'm not gonna tell Titus. I'm not going to the pack doctor because of a minor bug, i'm almost due a period, when that comes everyone can have peace of mind finally.

I stand in the kitchen, one of Titus' shirts covering my body as i make Nutella toasties, or at least try to. "Okay lets get you away from the kitchen." Titus comments as the smell of burning food fills the room.

"Whoops." I say with a sheepish smile, he chuckles at me, turning off the toaster thingy, i don't even know what it is, before pulling the black, inedible toasties out. "This is why you wait for me." Titus jokes as he chucks the failed masterpiece in the trash, kissing my forehead lightly.

"Why are you up so early, and cooking no less? Did you throw up again?" I shake my head, knowing my voice will betray me if i try to lie. "I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so i came downstairs." Titus hums as he pulls me closer to him, spreading Nutella onto some bread. His hand sits tightly in the curve of my waist as he pulls me to his side, not letting me leave him.

"You should've woke me." He comments as i look up at him. "You were so cute and sleepy, I didn't wanna wake you," I say causing him to laugh, "How many times do i have to tell you i'm not cute." He questions causing me to giggle.

"You are cute!"

"Really? You weren't saying that when i was eating your-,"

"Food!" I cut him off abruptly making him laugh, "No dirty talk in front of my children," I joke as i hold up the beautiful golden Nutella toasties. "And thank you, what would i do without you."

"Eat nothing but raw Nutella and candy?" Titus jokes.

"Probably." I laugh as i bite into the food, "If you weren't Alpha you would be a chef, hot damn." I comment as i watch my boyfriend, my mate, clean away the mess i made. "I'll help as soon as i've finished eating."

"No, i've got it you just need to finish them off and go get dressed." I look over to him confused, "Well because i don't fully want you around the girls, i arranged us a little visit to the pre-school, we're gonna go have a day with the kids."

"Stop whatever you're thinking mister." I say with an accusatory point, he chuckles down at me before going behind me, bending over he wraps his arms around my waist, letting his head fall to the crook of my neck. I feel him pepper small kisses in what i swear is his favorite spot i assume it's because of the mark he placed there.

I lift my food up to him, allowing him to take a bite out of something other than my skin before standing, plate in hand. He snatches it from me, placing it in the sink before basically dragging me upstairs. "Time to get ready,"

I know he has some weird plan, i just can't tell what.

"We need to get out, Titus," I whisper as his finger strokes my skin, pruning from the water that surrounds us

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"We need to get out, Titus," I whisper as his finger strokes my skin, pruning from the water that surrounds us. The warm water that surrounded us beforehand is turning cold and the bubbles i had insisted be put in have grown sparse.

"I know," he groans, pushing his face further into the crook of my neck. I push him off me softly as i stand, my warm feet touching the brittle cold of the tiles. I ignore his burning gaze as i pick up the towel, wrapping it around me. "I'll meet you out there." I say with a laugh turning to face him slightly.

He walks out the bathroom 5 minutes late with a towel around his waist, by now i've already pulled on the pink plaid set and white cropped shirt i had only just around to wearing. "I thought you were getting dressed in there Titus!" I exclaim, "Hurry!" He chuckles rolling his eyes as he steps into the closet,

I quickly pull my hair into a high ponytail, allowing the curls to cascade down my back and apply a light layer of makeup, Titus walking around the room, back and forth the entire time,

"Ready," I say with a smile as i intertwine my fingers with his, he looks down at me, bending slightly as he pushes his lips softly to mine. "Beautiful, tesoro." I don't know why he insists on the Italian nickname. From what i understand he was born and raised here as were many of the generations before him but i know the Romano's were originally from Italy, i guess they just passed the language down as a way of holding onto that past?

We decide on walking, i happily skip along, beside my mate, thankful i chose converse over the wedges i was planning on wearing, i still get nightmares about her, and how she went, but i know the moon goddess is looking after her, i just know it. And at least the hope of that makes if more bearable.

"Be careful, they bite." Titus jokes making me roll my eyes at him. "Roll your eyes again Tesoro, i dare you." I shut my lips tightly, keeping in the snarky response as we reach the preschool, immediately spotting groups of kids littered around a playground.

Titus engulfs my hand with his as he leads me to the building beside it. "Ahh, Alpha i knew you would be by sooner or later." An elderly woman smiles up at Titus before turning to me. "Very nice to meet you Luna, it's nice to finally see you up close." I smile at the older woman,

"I hope i'm up to your expectations."

"Oh honey, you surpass them. I had heard you were beautiful but you're gorgeous. You're very lucky Titus, you should've seen the woman my brother brought home." I don't know how to respond to her comment so i hold in the laugh that's threatening to escape my lips.

"That i am, May we?" Titus says pointing towards a door. The elderly woman nods, letting us walk past "Was i meant to find the brother comment funny." Titus chuckles slightly before nodding, a sigh of relief escapes me, thank god i didn't do something wrong there.

Titus pushes open the door, letting me do through before following behind, immediately the smell of freshly cut grass fills my lungs and the cool air hits my skin. "Hey look it's Luna." I hear a young girl's voice before a few arms encircle my legs. Laughs escape me as i look up at Titus.

"I can't help you with that one." Once they notice him too, a few of them release me, i thought they would be scared of him but apparently not. "You're really pretty Luna." A girl comments as she plays with one of my curls. Titus was playing soccer with the boys meanwhile the girls came to me, wanting to talk mainly. All by choice rather than us separating the two genders.

Another young girl makes her way over shyly, i faintly recognize her as she stands to my side. "I remember you, you came to visit me a while ago." I remember her bright green eyes and black, straight hair. "I'm sorry for hitting you Luna."

"It's okay princess." I say, ruffling her hair slightly. "Hey Luna? Is Charity okay? We haven't seen her in a long time, she used to come up with the best games." I suck in a breath as i stare at the young girl, her comment hitting me hard.

"She's gone away for a little bit, you'll see her soon i'm sure." I say as my eyes prick with tears, "You girls keep playing i need to go over there for a minute." They nod not thinking anything of it as i quick walk over to the wall, small cries escaping me. It's not long before i feel him wrap his arms around me.

"I thought i was okay, I guess i didn't expect them to bring her up." Titus sighs, pulling me into his chest. "I know, tesoro, they just miss her too. If you need to leave-," i shake my head against his chest, i'm not letting my overdramatic self ruin this for the kids. I just won't.

"I'm fine, we can go back now." I say before my eyes trail over our surroundings, the feeling of someone's eyes on me sending shivers down my spine.

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