Before the fall

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{no ones point of view}

You where once a beautiful angel with a voice like silk when you sang. Back when you were alive you were a famous singer in the 2020's. You had died at a young age due to a freak accident with a crazed fan. when you died God had loved your voice so much he had you stay close to him and perform form him when ever he wanted, causing you to earn the nickname God's right hand angel. Earning that nickname caused some angels to get jealous of you and wanted you gone. One night at a show at the palace of god him self one of the higher up angels came up to you and asked you to perform for them the next night at a party they would be throwing. You gladly excepted the offer and went on your way back to your small home away from everyone else. you enjoyed being alone even when you where alive, once at home you started writing new songs to perform tomorrow night at the event.

{ Y/n's point of view}

I run my hands through my (h/L)(h/c) as I sigh and look down at the pages of music I wrote. I glance over at the clock and sigh "damn, that took longer than I wanted it I've been having writer's block for a bit now..why?.." I start to strip down from my usual costume which was a skin tight black dress with a white collar top with low black heels, a pearl neckless and a solid black head band.(the picture above) You had to say god, he liked the old school show outfits and so did you but you where more engrossed with the 1920's and you often sang 1920's songs when you are at home.

{ The next Night at the party}

To nights party even is the theme the 2020's. Everyone shows up in fancy kinda 1920's attire. After you finish packing a small bag of spare clothing for after the event you start to make your way to the manor the event is being held at. As you get to the door a servant opens it.

{ Y/n's point of view}

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{ Y/n's point of view}

your eyes light up as you look around the beautifully decorated manor. You make your way to a spare room off to the side to go change into the outfit that you will be wearing tonight for the performance. You look down at the clothing that was picked out for you as you slightly blush "w..what is this?!" the "outfit" that was handed to you consisted of a very thin cloth that barely covered your nipples and bottoms that where only one crap of cloth in the front and nothing but string in the back. "a..a thong?..a..and a skimpy swimsuit top?.. but its the 2020..EVEN I DIDNT DRESS LIKE THIS WHILE ALIVE!"  you sigh to your self as you start to strip off your shirt and pants as you change into the "outfit" if you could even call it that. 

{ 8pm everyone starts to show up} 

Every angel shows up at the manor as they make there way to the ball room. you can hear talking from the hallway as you touch up your makeup for the show. 

{ host of the party} 

"heh.. I hope our guest finds her outfit suitable for her." he says to himself as he makes his way around the crowd of angels and friends making small talk here and their. one he had he fill with the others he starts to make his way to the spare room that you are getting ready in. 

{ Y/n point's of view} 

you hear a knock on the door as you just finish your makeup "it's open!" you say as you fix your top trying not to show anymore skin the n was showing. you glance at the door through the mirror as you see the male angel walk in. " Theo! " you yell as you make your way over to his balling your hands into a fist. "what is the lords name is this outfit?! I can't wear this out there!! what would the boss say?!" your face heats up as you see his gaze is on your chest as you quickly cover your self with your hands.  

{ Theo's point of view} 

"damn.. I knew you had a nice rack but I didn't think they were THAT nice.." he smirks to him self as he walks over to you and pushes you down on the near by bed. "oh come on, Y/n. just because in your time you didn't dress like the others doesn't mean you can't now." he smirks as he slowly starts to make his way on top of you and forces your hands down above your head. "Now..are you going to behave and perform or am I gonna have to start taking some Feathers?~" he whispers the last part in your ear as he slides his hand up your thigh.

{ Y/n's point of view} 

Your eyes widen at the last part as you then bite your lip. "f..fine.. Ill perform..j..just let me cover up a little more please.." you slightly shake from fear and anger as you fell Theo shift above you. "hmm.. Fine. You can wear a silk scarf draped over your body." you feel him get off you as he tosses you a dark purple almost black scarf that is big enough to cover your body and face.You quickly put it on as you put the extra bit of fabric over your face trying to hid your face anyway you can. 

{ Theo's point of view} 

" Be lucky I'm generous to let you have that to cover your face. I was planning on letting everyone know who is singing tonight." He smirks as he makes his way out the room fixing his tie he makes his way back to the ball room to let everyone know that the special guest will be performing soon.

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