Here is how's I had Queen my baby girl😍 all hearts💓. So one day at 15 years old I had Queen. Ok but there was cute boy I liked him and he liked me. Went on a date! Then had that thing you and no protection!!! So I find out and was happy cuz I always wanted a kid and that's what I got.
Continue, But I had to tell him and my family so I told him first he was happy he said he would raise her with me. (Good) then I told my Mom, Dad, Sisters,and brothers there was happy. My brother keep talking how I would be fat 😂.1 weeks later.
1 Week later. We ( was planning the baby shower. For the next 3 week (3 weeks later) now 33 weeks left. Now we (my boyfriend and I) are done now setting things up that took 3 more weeks. 30 weeks left. We have thing up we were ready to start the baby shower at 10:59.
8:00 am I invited the fam 10:00 am she kicking. 11:30 they are all here. 8:00 pm shower over and she's kicking again and find out it's a she. 36 weeks later. She came out early but beautiful, health, and good but she still in the hospital for 3 more because she's not fully grown we all go visit her. Years later I had 7 kids but that's a another story.