Fear leads to anger | a Star Wars poem

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Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate-

why does it seem like from the start you kind of knew my fate?

Anger leads to hatred- why treat me like I'm sacred?
When all this time you're wondering if I will ever make it

Hatred leads to suffering, unimaginable suffering-

but then again, do tell me, why are you never listening?

I'm trying to be good,
in the spotlight I am glistening

But you never checked if in the shadows I'm not blistering

Anakin, calm down, you say
but my soul's burning, I can't stay

Control your emotions, that's what this is all about,

And need I to remind you, attachment is not allowed

Expecting even more than what I have come to be, when at the same time you're taking everything from me

You're failing people left and right,
calling Jedi Knights to fight

Marching to war like puppets here,
ignoring every sign of fear

You've failed so many that you seemed to previously adore

So all I'm really asking is, really, what's one more?

So I guess that you were right, when you said that you had failed me

Even though I still became, whoever I was meant to be

It is what it is now, but let me be this bold,
Obi-Wan, this whole mess was not alone your fault

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