The Wedding

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    Shen Wei  was running away from the servants  who pursuing to put on a beautiful, silk,  red robe for a bride.

    "Oh! No! I won't  put any women's  clothes again. As he was running without a robe only to bumped  into the person he didn't  want to see, his future husband. Whose having a nice time viewing at his bare chest.

    "Stop looking at me!" As he covered himself up with his arms. He thinks it will help in covering his naked chest. Yunlan laugh as he walk toward Shen Wei  whose backing away from him. Until he slip in one of the carpet luckily  Yunlan caught him. As he become red in embarrassment.

    He was struck by Yunlan cute brown eyes. As his heart beat so fast looking at those plump lips. But he suddenly yelp when Yunlan grouped  his butt. "Stop it!"  As he struggle  to his hold. Suddenly  he shiver when Yunlan's  face suddenly  lean in to kiss his neck.

    "Your scent is intoxicating  me! Do you know about that? Your making me crazy that I want to kiss and touch you again and again!" As he smell Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  stop struggling as he felt his heart beat running fast. Upon hearing that confess. They suddenly  hear a cough behind them.

    Yunlan suddenly took off his outer robe and gave it to Shen Wei as he knows who came. "Aww....I didn't  see his pretty chest!" As he face with his pervert cousin Lin Jing whose also one of the deity in the sea.

    "I didn't  know his a guy? I always thought you gonna marry a woman!" As he inspect Shen Wei  from head to toes. "But his a beauty! Really?" As he face Shen Wei,  "Hello! Cousin in law! I'm one of Yunlan cousin, Lin Jing!" As he almost reach for his hand to shake. Yunlan swat it.

    "His mine! Don't  you ever touch him!" Yunlan shout.  "Such possessive!" As he smiled to Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  went behind Yunlan as he feel his not safe from him. "Oh! Cute! He knows now whose gonna protect him? Did you told Zhu Hong about your marriage to him?" He ask.

    "That's  no need! You know I didn't  like her at all!" That made Shen Wei  alarm. "Is that woman want my Yunlan as well? What am I  talking about?! His not mine?!" He whispered  to himself. But as he touched  Yunlan's  arms. "Wow! His arms is firm with muscle  and he have a much broader shoulder than me?" Unknown  to him Yunlan felt Shen Wei  is admiring him at the back.

     And that put a smile on him. Making Lin Jing notice it. "Hmmm..... maybe he have found what his looking for?" He told himself. 

   In a moment  Yunlan lead him back to  his room while Shen Wei struggling not too. "If you kept on doing this how am I suppose to marry you! My little wife!" Shen Wei  got irritated, "Stop calling me my little  wife!" But he was suddenly pulled in for a kiss. That shocked  Shen Wei.

    "That made  you stop talking?" As Yunlan smirk. And was about to lean again making Shen Wei  close his eyes for the kiss his waiting again. But he only felt a push. As he was given to the mercy of the servants. Who have an evil smile plastered  to them. "Traitor! I thought your giving me another kiss?!" Shen Wei  shout. Yunlan just wave his hands goodbye as the servants dragged  Shen Wei  toward the room.

    In a little  while he was dress in a red silk robe with beautiful jade and pearls with makeup and lipstick. And the finnal touched the hair clip and the phoenix crown. Yunlan on the other hand wear a brilliant red silk robe and looking handsome than ever. As he look to Shen Wei.  "Your so beautiful my bride! I want to ravished  you right away!" As he hold and squeeze his hand.

    Shen Wei  swallowed  hard, "Oh! No my hole is gonna get it again!" As he unconciously  rubbed  his butt. He never notice Yunlan saw it and tried not to laugh. As they enter the hall it was decorated with everything red.

    All the deities of the sea are all present. They were all beautiful  and handsome.  Well not as handsome as his groom to be. As they came near an elder of deity and they were bless to be one forever. Everybody clapped  and cheered as petals of peach blossom descended  upon them.

    Shen Wei  never seen such beautiful scene. In a while beautiful maidens dance and sing, while everyone drink and eat in delight.  Shen Wei  kept drinking the sweet wine making himself  drunk in the process. Yunlan tried to stop him. But he shoved his hand, "This is the best drink I ever had why stopping  me!(Hic) You'll be having me in the bed for a while so don't  worry! I'm gonna make you scream my name!" He shout to him. Making Lin Jing seated next to them laugh. While Yunlan never been red for his entire life.

    Yunlan have no choice but to let his new  bride to drink to his delight. Until he suddenly  stand and pulled Yunlan to dance. All the deity look at them at how they're  perfect for each other.  They  never seen Yunlan been so happy and carefree. And not thinking on conquering any town or village. Maybe his bride will bring laughter back to him.

    But not all are happy Zhu Hong one of deity of the deep realm have her eyes to Yunlan for decades and now he only choosen a mere human and a man. "How dispicable! She isn't  a woman and a mere mortal!" Cong Bo the deity of the south whispered  to her, "Why not stir their relationship? It will be fun?!" He said. Upon hearing it, Lin Jing shoved Cong Bo, "Don't  you dare! His our cousin why are you thinking of ruining their  relationship?"

    "Cous! Don't  be a party  pooper! I just want to see on how they're  relationship would stand? That man have beauty but not an immortal life  like us? Will Yunlan would give  up his immortality  for him? I bet not!" Said Cong Bo. "Don't  you dare took away his power! Or touch a single  hair on my Yunlan! Or I'll eat you whole!" Shout Zhu Hong . "Did I say Yunlan is the one I'm gonna touch? His bride! His just a pitiful mortal and easily be manipulated! And because of him Yunlan will lost his god power!" As he smirk.  That made Lin Jing shake  his head as he didn't  want any part of it. But he got to warn Yunlan about it.

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