Chapter 19

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I lifted the glass lid and the alarm went off.

"SHIT!!" I said taking the Jewel fast and hid it along with my gun and decided to act as if I didn't know a thing and head out if they find out about me I will do my best to run off.

I hope I can get out of here.

Jungkook's POV

Suddenly the alarm went off indicating that (Y/N) had been caught. I tried getting in touch with one of the guards but none of them answered me so I decided to find out what had happened on my own.

"Boss,there had been some gun shots and then we lost all track of her. We weren't even able to track down her GPS signal." One of my men told me once I entered the building.

I started calling her but of course her phone was off.

"Search for her and don't leave any place not searched. Search even the nearby areas. If they took her away the they must be near." I ordered my men and they all scattered looking for her.

I don't want to lose you again. I am not letting you go that easily.

Hours passed but we weren't able to find any trace of her.

I didn't want to give up but she was no where to be seen.

I went back to the mansion feeling defeated and painful. My heart ached badly and I knew I should have listened to Jimin and I shouldn't have involved her in this from the start.

Once I entered the mansion I found the guys sitting and chatting happily.

"Finally you're home!!" Hobi hyung said hugging me tightly.

"Why don't you came and have a little fun with us?" Namjoon hyung said smiling at me.

"What brought you guys here?" I asked confused.

"They wanted to spend some time, just the 7 of us like before but when we got here you weren't here so we decided to wait for you." Yoongi hyung said.

"Jungkook, where's (Y/N)??! Wasn't she with you??!" Jimin asked looking worried.

"She's....... I don't even know where she is." I replied

"What do you mean? What happened?" Jimin asked looking terrified now and I had to tell him everything I knew about the story.

"I told you not to get her involved in this!!" Jimin yelled at me. Unfortunately I knew he was right and I wasn't able to argue back.

"And what will you do??" He asked waiting for my answer.

"I don't know" I replied.


Sorry for the short chapter everyone but I hope you liked it.

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