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"Do you know what time it is? Do you know anything?"

Anna was terrified. She had brashly decided to steal 100 credits from a wealthy adversary that her boyfriend knew, she applied to the service through the local, rundown registration office. The only problem was that she had no idea how to fire a gun. She could handle a P2020, but a rifle? No chance. None. She couldn't afford a respawn banner either, each costing 500 credits. These were generally only bought by Legends, those who had managed to storm the internet with their skills and multitude of wins. She was going to die. Her boyfriend was a rat, keeping her captive to make sure she stayed loyal. That didn't stop him from investing in a new whore every week though.

Exhaling deeply, she entered the grounded dropship. These were set up in every major city, designed to take legends and rookies to their deaths, temporary or permanent. As she walked around, she tried to avoid eye contact with anyone, not wanting to start an unnecessary conversation. She fiddled with her visor, turning on the 'privacy' setting. The glass darkened from top to bottom, concealing her anxious face. She fiddled with her glove, not knowing what to do with herself for the next half an hour until they would arrive at the arena.

"Hello friend! I am Pathfinder!" Anna looked up to see a tv screen which, upon further inspection, appeared to be displaying a smiley face. She lifted her gaze, to meet that of a robot, waving his hand energetically.
"I'm Clockwork," she muttered, waving back gently. She realised she should make at least one friend here, even if she was going to die. It was a solo match, forcing her to play alone. She wasn't complaining, not having to worry about a teammate or squad would improve her chances, but it left her lonely. Pathfinder seemed friendly enough. Turning off the privacy setting, she smiled at the cheery robot.
"You're very pretty. I'm excited to kill you friend!" She chuckled, knowing he wasn't joking.
"I look forward to it buddy."

A klaxon sounded, bringing players to their feet.
"Goodbye friend!" Anna smiled once more before darkening her visor once more. Taking her position on the drop pad, she looked at her wrist monitor to analyse where she wanted to drop.
'Let's see, Epicentre has good loot, and is often not very busy. That might be a good place to land.'
She wriggled her toes in anticipation as she waited for the drop ship to float closer to her landing zone. Activating her landing kit, she glided through the air, whooping and laughing as she went. The adrenaline was exhilarating, but as she neared the ground she quietened, skulking about to find a weapon and at least one grenade. Attaching a small clock to the frag, she placed it on her belt and began to hunt.

She had never killed  before, and soon anxiety was gnawing at her chest, causing her to bite her lip with worry. Her P2020 hung limp in her hand, the Prowler she had picked up loosely fastened in the holster attached to her backpack. Her eyes widened as she heard footsteps ahead. Quietly pulling her modified grenade from her belt, she chucked it, hearing a groan of pain as the person was thrown backwards. She grinned with a touch of remorse as she watched her victim clutch at his head, evidently hearing the ticking that made her so special. Taking advantage of his distraction, Anna raised her pistol, lining the iron sights up with his head. Hesitating, she watched with pity as he did not get back up, staying on his knees to try to combat the noise that was sending him mad.

She pulled the trigger, and he felt sideways. Dead. Very dead. She stood. She walked over. She sighed at the sight of Crypto. She had killed a Legend. Luckily, he had a respawn, as most Legends did, meaning Anna hadn't actually killed anyone. Yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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