Choking Hazard

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A shrill scream cut through the brisk evening as the loud thud of footfalls crunched through the dead autumn leaves. Her heavy ragged breaths wheezed in the collected silence as she struggled to make her escape. Another scream ripped through the air; the loud snapping of twigs clashed in baited silence, and as if the twilight was holding its breath, all went silent.

"Again! Again! Again!" A child's exultant voice carried through the wind as she jumped up and down in glee. Her cheeks flushed with life; nose red from the cool fall breeze as she turned her smile to the woman next to her.

Truly, she was her father's daughter.

Golden masses of hair flowed free like a lion's mane, the gentle breeze picking up her loose locks. Smudges of dirt marred the child's pink overalls; one of the straps had come free in the excitement and now hung loose in front. Green eyes sparkled like emeralds in childlike innocence as the young girl stared up at her aunt, giving her a lopsided grin.

"Okay, one more time before your mother comes out." In a swift motion, Sofia tossed the child into the waiting bed of freshly raked leaves. The girl fell with a thud and crunch as leaves hit the air and took flight around them.

"Sofia! Stop throwing Casey in the leaves! You're getting her all dirty!" Helen yelled out as she came rushing down the yard, her steps heavy with fury as she came towards the giggling little girl and Sofia. Her eyes ablaze with barely contained anger, she was ready to release all Hell on her sister.

It was just like Sofia to do something like this, her sister never thought of anyone but herself. God forbid they have a nice family dinner together and now Casey looked as if she'd been playing in a pig's pen, not a pile of leaves.

She was furious with her sister.

The sisters shared much in common when it came to their looks, both had a healthy head of dark brown hair, piercing hazel blue eyes, full lips, and similar body types, from behind you could almost mistake them for the other. Almost. Helen was the oldest if only by a few years, her dark hair was drawn back in a ponytail, bobbing from side to side with each heavy step. Her straight nose and eyes were the most prominent features on her face, and with her hair slicked back so immaculately, her sharp features looked as if they could cut glass. Blue-green orbs glared at her sister as she hugged a sweater around herself to keep the falls crisp air from chilling her. She was marginally thicker than Sofia, still carrying that baby weight from when she had Casey, five years ago... She wore jeans and sneakers; though however casually dressed she still looked like a soccer Mom with a stick up her ass.

"Casey! Get out of those leaves, Casey! Don't make me come over there!" Helen shouted as she briskly walked towards the pair. "Sofia! Wha-what are you doing! No, not you too! Get her out of those leaves!" she continued to shout, waving her arms in the air for emphasis, finally stomping her foot down like an irate child. "I'm telling Mom!" She shouted at the pair of hooligans before stomping off back into the house.

"Oh come on Helen, I'm only playing."

 Bending down to her niece, she pulled Casey up from the pile, brushing off the leaves that still clung to the young girl. Casey held onto her aunt, clutching Sofia's sweater into her small grip as she settled onto her aunt's hip.

"Ooooooh, mama's gettin' Grama..." she said, tugging at her aunt's collar firmly in her hold. The two looked at one another as Helen retreated into the house. "You're in trouble..." She added in a singsong way before laughing at her aunt.

"You don't know the half of it kid." She mumbled, readjusting Casey's weight on her hip. "Time to face the firing squad..." with a heavy sigh she watched the front door, waiting for her sister to reemerge. Here comes the fun police... she thought begrudgingly. 

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