Chapter 1

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Another boring day in this old house. I would just sit on the old, dusty couch and wait. Wait for mom and dad to come back. They were always busy with work.

The house was pretty empty, especially my room. It only had a bed and a small wardrobe. Nothing more, nothing less. I had no other belongings except for some clothes. Not a single toy was found on my parents' property. So I would just sit, stare at the wall and wait. Nothing exiting really, but it was the only thing I could do. The door was locked, so I couldn't go outside. I couldn't even look outside. The windows were just wood planks nailed to the wall, preventing any light source from going inside.

I never met a single human other than mom and dad. I would always wonder why. Probably to protect me, they get worried so easily. It's not like I hate my family, no, we love each other so much. My mom and dad never told me anything about their job, but they did tell me that they need to use their quirks for it. Quirks... they were like super powers made from films (not that I've seen one though). I didn't believe them until they showed me. My mom could read minds and my dad could control blood.

They did show them to me and I was really impressed. I was told that I'll get my mom's quirk, my dad's quirk or a mixture of both, or I won't get a quirk at all. Sounds like a cruel thing to say to a three year old child, but you always should be prepared for the worst and never get your hopes up too high.

Since then I would try to do little things to see if I got my quirk, like try to read dad's mind or try to make the blood float that I got from a paper cut (ouch), but it would never work.

One day, I was four years old, I heard the door being unlocked. "Mom! Dad!", I shouted, racing to the door. Suddenly though, I crashed onto the ground. I felt a sting in my knee. Great, I tripped over my open shoe lace and started to bleed. "I hate blood", I thought, "Just go back inside!" And it happened. My blood went inside and a scab was formed.

"What happened, Y/n?!", mom shouted in worry."Mom, Dad, look! I've got a quirk!" At that moment I felt like the happiest person on earth. "Dad, I got your quirk, I can control blood!" My dad ran over to me and hugged me. "I'm so proud of you!", he said. I giggled and hugged him back. I've been waiting for this day so long!

But I was still so curious about their job. Just ask. C'mon, it's now or never!  "Mom, dad so what do you use your quirk for? What do they have to do with your job anyway?", I asked going straight to the point. Dad stopped hugging me and put a serious look on his face. He gave mom a strange look, and she nodded. Were they hiding something?

"The world is divided into... normal people, heroes and villains... heroes are selfish people who think they're better than everyone else. They say it's wrong to kill, but kill others themselves. They get to decide what is wrong and what is right. This whole system, this whole world is corrupt..." Rage was written all over his face. "What do you mean?", these long and hard words made absolutely no sense to me. What was he trying to say?

"Ah...", he quietly said, remembering that he's speaking to a small child. He seemed to be deep in thought. "You'll understand when you're older, but for now you have to promise me this: Just don't trust heroes. Don't follow their footsteps. Don't walk the path they're taking. We...", Dad glanced at mom, both grinning, "We are villains!" Villains? They were villians all this time? But wait...

"What are villains? What do they do?" Mom instantly answered, "We kill these bastards to make a better world!" She was smiling, she looked so happy. I haven't seen her smile in along time, she would always come home, tired and exhausted, sometimes with wounds, dad as well. "Dad can I become a villain too?", I asked.

Killing is a scary and evil topic for every little child, but I was never taught about the difference between good and evil. I didn't understand the world yet. I spent my time locked up, never being taught how to act towards people. That someone I loved and trusted told me to become a villain, before knowing much about the world I was kept away from, I was glad to say yes and do something else instead of just staring at a wall and waiting without a purpose. I found a purpose in life, finally a reason to live. 

"We'll train you, so you'll become just like us. Maybe even stronger!" Dad grinned creepily and I grinned back. I'm gonna make my parents proud...

From then on my dad did everything to train me. Mom and dad were famous villains, whose true identities were unknown. Dad taught me every single thing about his quirk throughout the years. I learned to fight up close, I learned to have good reflexes, a lot of strength and speed. The training was harsh but I didn't mind... I was determined to become a great villain to be known in this world. I was trained for six and a half years, and as a ten year old I already had perfect control over my quirk. But at a certain point dad stopped my training and both of my parents wouldn't go out of the house. A month past and I still didn't ask why they did so. What was wrong...?

"Hey, dad, what's up?", I asked one day, walking into our bare livingroom, with only a couch, a sofa and a little coffee table. We had no decoration whatsoever. "Huh? What are you talking about, dear?", I could tell that dad was faking a confused look. He knew exactly what I was talking about and what I meant by it. I sighed and asked, "Why did you stop with the training? Did something happen?"

I stood at the door waiting for his answer, which never came. Silence...Dad kept quiet, blinked a few times and sighed heavily. "Well... this might be a lot to take in but here I go... Mom and I thought a lot about it. After a fight, where we lost, the heroes said something that got us thinking... 'You just make up excuses for your bad deeds to sound intelligent, like you actually have a good reason for doing all of this. But in reality, you just love to see people suffer. You just do it all for fun, don't you? What if you had daughter or son, or another family member was killed by someone? Wouldn't you be mad at the person who did it for fun?'

Your mother started to cry, I was in deep thought. That time, we still managed to escape though, and since then we felt uneasy about our 'job'. Seeing the others point of view began to change our point of view. We never thought about their point of views deeply, for both of us were raised by villains. Your mother was a totally different person, and she cryed telling me she wants to change. I didn't want to accept it, but it made sense. After a month we came to the same conclusion. Yes, we should change... together... as a family. No more crimes or villainry. Y/n, let's become heroes!"

That long speech just shocked me, my eyes were wide opened. My mind was still processing everything he said. Up 'til then I was only taught to do evil. About the evil ways and not the, what society would call 'good' ones. It was hard to take it all in.

I sprinted up into my room and locked the door from the inside. For the next hour or so I just sat on bed and was sorting out my thoughts. Did my parents make a good choice? Why the sudden change? Even with the long explanation I got from them I still couldn't quite understand. What will it be like? For all those years I hated heroes calling them fakes, laughing at them and mocking them. How can my mindset be changed so quickly? I got up from my bed, looking at my clenched fist saying to myself, "No, I can't accept this!"

Third Person POV

After some time Y/n's parents got their hero licenses because of how good they were, even without attending any hero school in the past. Luckily they kept their identities hidden as villains so nobody knew their background. Her parents weren't so known, they were in the newspaper once or twice, but that was pretty much it. They accomplished quite a few missions in a short time and were extremely happy with themselves. Y/n was angry at them though. She would call her parents for each time they would try to change their daughter's mind. They felt guilt and a huge amount of regret for raising young Y/n in the way they did. They always kept their daughter hidden from the media, which wasn't so hard with the low popularity they had. Only the government knew because of their files. Positive stuff was sometimes said about the new heroes but another question was being asked over and over again... what happened to the two famous villains and where are they? Why did they suddenly disappear? Did they die?

Chapter 1 End

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