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"I... I don't want to make a decision," Y/n whispered through a gulp never meeting her mother's eyes as the color flushed from her face.

"You should go... This is your best chance to get away while it's still summer-"

"But... But I can't just leave everyone I cant-"

"Please you have to trust me," She cried pleading with her daughter taking her hands in hers.

"What would we even do when we get there..."

"When you get there," Her mother corrected, causing her daughter's eyes to widen.

"What? I can't go alone I can't..."

"Charlie will go with you and you guys will live a perfect life out of this hell-"

"Mom! I'm not going to leave you here!" She exclaimed through a loud sob. "I can't leave you here!"

"Well I don't think you have a choice because I'm not going... I can't go,"

"Why?" Her daughter questioned her voice barely audible through the cries.

"Because if we both leave then it will be obvious and the hushers will go looking-"

"I can't leave you... I can't leave you here all alone,"

"I'm your mother I have to do what's best for you,"

"That's such bullshit why can't things go back to how they were when I was younger," Y/N cried into her hands causing her mother to hug her and pull her close to her chest.

"I know Y/N... I know," She comforted stroking her hair softly. "Hopefully when Crowley dies we'll see each other again," Her daughter pulled away causing her mother to use the back of her finger to wipe away her tears even if they never ceased to stop falling.

"I can't go that long without you... that's not fair you're my mother!"

"Life isn't fair sweetie... Now you go and you sleep on it," She gave her daughter a gentle nudge in the right direction and an hour later her daughter was asleep leaving her alone with her thoughts in the kitchen.

The disease was another reason she wanted her daughter to leave. With everyone being so poor barely scraping by it was no surprise that they couldn't afford health care or most medicines for that matter. And most weren't vaccinated which made things worse.

And the worst part of it all was that they had no control over that or anything for that matter.

Dean was late to work the next day... As Y/n helps yet to be thankful that he wouldn't see her pack her things.

Today was her last day and she was going to make the most of it.

As they were working through Y/N knew that there was something bothering Dean. She had planned on making her move today but... But now she had to leave.

Maybe he would want to go too.

"Dean?" She suddenly questioned causing his head to turn her way his forehead filled with sweat causing his hair to stick to it.

"My mother's sick," He blurted causing her eyes to widen. "That's what's bothering me,"

"I wasn't asking about that..." Y/N murmured causing his eyes to widen. "I'm sorry Dean it's stupid I shouldn't have even brought it up,"

"No, I'm sorry I should have known that-"

"I care so much about you Dean and I'm so sorry but I can't ask this of you it's not right-"

"What? Tell me,"

"My mom wants me to run away to Canada and walk all the way there-"

"That could work,"

"Are you serious,"

"I'm in, I have to get my mother medical help," Suddenly Dean drooped his reaper, the hope filling his eyes.

"I have to go tell my mom and Sammy and-"

"Are you really on board with this-"

"Do we leave tomorrow?"

"Dean... Dean! Slow down alright we'll leave when we're ready,"

"Meet back here when you're ready... Can I leave?" He questioned referring to his job but then again he just left anyways before she could finish not caring about his job anymore but finally having a chance to leave and someone to go with him.

"WHAT THE FUCK DEAN'S COMING WITH US?" Charlie asked her eyes wide as a smirk formed across her lips. "Fuck yeah we're going to get out of this place... All we have to do is gravel town to town and not get caught easy,"

"Yeah so easy," Y/N sighed... She didn't like the idea of this though there wasn't really another choice. "Do you really think that we can do this?"

"Hey it's better than rotting here," Her friend mumbled, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Y/N if you don't gain hope I'm going to beat it into you!"

"Alright! Alright!" Y/n exclaimed, putting up her hands in defense. "Grab your things you're spending the night at my house tonight," Charlie had no family left so she wasn't leaving much behind besides a rotting home.

Once they got to her home though she found Dean with Sammy in his arms.

"So your mother is on board with tomorrow?"

"Not exactly..." He mumbled through a sigh. "She's not coming,"


"So you're Dean!" Charlie exclaimed through a grin. "The one that's stealing my best friend's heart!"

"Charlie!" Y/n hissed through a bush.

"Yeah I'm Dean and this is my younger brother Sam,"

"Well it's nice to meet you were glad to have more people on our voyage out of this hel- heck!"

"Yeah..." Dean whispered as he glanced down at Sammy in his arms who had no clue what the hell was awaiting him.

"What now?"

"We go and party with our last day here?"

"Party?" Sammy questioned his face bubbling up with excitement.

"Yeah, I have a plan,"

"Oh god, Charlie-" And that's how they ended up in the woods beside the town, beside a lightly flowing river which was beautiful and calming.

"What are we doing here?"

"Oh come on don't you find this relaxing?"

"Yeah, but I thought it was a party-" Suddenly Charlie was stripping her clothes until she was in nothing left except her underwear.

"Come on Y/N like we're kids again," Charlie pleaded and before Y/N could even reply.

"But we're not kids anymore!" She exclaimed just as Charlie began to splash her.

"Oh, it's on!" Y/N exclaimed diving into the water and pulling the red-head under.

Though right as she emerged from beneath the water she saw Dean and Sam eyeing the water hesitantly.

"Come on in the water is fine," Y/N reassured.

"I'm sure it is but..." Dean trailed off at the end. "I uh... I don't know how to swim,"

"REALLY!" Charlie all in but yelled jumping out of the water. "Well come here you two were going to teach you!"

"Really?" Sam questioned his face bubbling with excitement.

"Heck yeah!" Y/n exclaimed through a grin and then an hour later Sam and Dean were swimming around with them.

This ended up being one of the best days of all of their lives so far. Pulling one another under and the water and splashing each other in the face.

Everything was perfect... At that moment in time, things were perfect however time changes. 

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