Close encounters

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It could've gone unspoken - even though Steve called the team together for what ended up being a five-hour meeting - that everyone needed to keep a close eye on Peter. Despite what Sam and the teen's therapist said about residual effects of trauma and flashbacks caused by PTSD, the team could tell something was wrong.

FRIDAY's security, as well as the modified infrared cameras, were picking up odd disturbances throughout the tower on a near-daily basis. Odd noises coming from seemingly nowhere, folds and chips in plaster when there was no known cause. SI workers were also beginning to notice irregularities throughout their day to day activities, prompting Tony and Pepper to send the employees home before nightfall, when the unknown creature seemed to be more active.

Even Pepper noticed when she stopped by for a brief visit to give Tony some papers to sign and discuss vacation days for her and her husband Happy. She was often abroad or in other parts of the country as CEO, but she always made sure to check in with Tony whenever she could. Even if he didn't care about the nuances of running a multi-billion dollar company, he still needed to be updated. If he refused to answer her emails or texts and neither Steve or Peter could get the mechanic to cooperate, she made a personal visit. Getting to see Peter was an added bonus.

"Morning, Tony." Came the chipper voice of Pepper Potts. "I brought some papers for you to sign," she called as she set two large files on the hall table beside the elevator and headed into the open concept living area. "I need these by tomorrow. And, in case you forgot, Happy and I are taking off for our anniversary this coming summer."

As one of the only civilians with access to the Avengers' private common rooms, she often made brief appearances in regards to Stark Industries - since Tony wasn't very fond of paperwork or business meetings - or to check in with the team and her nephew. No one else besides Happy had the clearance to enter any Avenger's floor.

"Tony?" Pepper walked further and entered into the large living room.

Everything was clean and in its exact place which was odd in of itself. Something she grew fond of was how lived in the common rooms were. The team would often congregate there to hangout and simply be with one another. It was so domestic and she loved it. Really, the whole team did. Even if most wouldn't admit it. Usually, there was laughing, music playing, casual conversation, or something to indicate that the place was being used. Not this time, though. Upon realizing it was empty, she moved onto the kitchen. There, she found the billionaire perched at the kitchen island with a large mug filled, presumably, with coffee.

She called his name again. "Tony."

"Wha-" The billionaire jolted, causing the coffee mug to fall to the floor. Miraculously , the mug didn't shatter, but the brown liquid splashed everywhere. "Oh, hey, Pep." After trying and failing to regain his composure, he ran his hand down his face tiredly, dark circles evident in the early morning sun. He didn't bother trying to mop up the mess knowing one of his cleaner bots would handle it.

"Are you okay? It looks like you haven't slept in days." Her voice held nothing but concern for the man she considered one of her closest and most trusted friends. It wasn't unusual to see Tony disheveled or for him to be sleep deprived, but all of that become less frequent thanks to his husband and son. Seeing him so worn out was jarring.

"I haven't," he answered honestly, sighing heavily.

"But- I don't understand. You've been doing so well; less coffee, sleeping at least seven hours an-"

"Well obviously not!" His outburst came out louder than he'd planned, causing Pepper to jump, eyes wide. Guilt washed over him in maverick-sized waves. His wings drooped and he bowed his head in shame. "Shit. I'm sorry. That- I didn't mean to yell. It's just- this past month has been weird."

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