Chapter 41

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"He's back... as in," I try to put together a coherent thought. 

"As in he's getting out of jail," Tristan finished for me. "Released early on good behavior. It's total bullshit."

"Wait, but what does that have to do with The Underground?" I question, confused as to how this connects to the club that him and my uncle seem to have involvement in.

"Brian owns The Underground," Uncle Luke states. After seeing the quizzical look on my face, he further explains, "Brian is Tristan's dad. The club existed before he bought it out and took ownership. He basically transformed it from a well-respected speakeasy to an underaged club where shady events slipped by unnoticed."

A small part of me wanted Uncle Luke to elaborate on that last part, but then I remember what Tristan had told me about his father and the reason for why he was in jail. He was a drunk. He assaulted his wife. He fought off his own kid. I do not want to imagine what went down at The Underground while a man of his character was in charge.

"When he was arrested, leadership was technically passed to me despite being only 14 at the time," Tristan continues. He runs his hand through his hair, looking exhausted. "The rest of the board ran the place, making all the executive decisions for about a year while I just goofed off. I didn't know how to run a club, but once I realized how dangerous the men on the board were, almost as toxic as my father, I stepped it up. I studied up on how to run a successful business, spent hours working on the balance sheets and presentations, and once I had gained their trust and respect, I replaced every single one of them with people who would help me turn the place around. We went two years without an incident until..." Tristan trails off, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Leila, I am so sorry about what happened to you," Uncle Luke whispered. I whipped my head around to stare at him. He knows? "I did everything I could to make sure that man who attacked you was brought to justice, but I couldn't tell you I knew anything unless you came to me first. I am so sorry I couldn't support you during that."

"It's okay, Uncle Luke," I assure him. I am shocked he knew and didn't say anything, but how did he know? "How are you involved in all of this anyway?"

"I was just an investor back when Brian was running the place. I didn't know of everything that went down, I just saw the profits coming in every quarter. Tristan was the one that pulled me in to be a more active participant when he was switching up the business plan," he explained. "We're colleagues."

"I wouldn't say that," Tristan teases. "I'm still technically you're boss. Well, not really anymore I suppose." His face falls a little at that last statement. "That's what all these secretive meetings have been about. Ever since I head my dad was getting out, the board has been trying to prepare me for the shift in ownership back to him."

"Tristan and I have been trying to come up with a way for him to remain in a leadership position while he's still 17 so ownership will automatically transfer to him once he's an adult. If Brian doesn't officially claim his position as the boss before then, he's out," Uncle Luke finishes. 

The two of them give me a minutes to process all of this. Tristan's dad owned The Underground. Tristan kind of owns The Underground now. Uncle Luke basically helps Tristan run the place. They're trying to save the club from Tristan's father. And all of this was happening right in front of me and everyone else.

"Does Aunt Clara know?" I ask. "Does your mom know?" I turn to Tristan. The two men both shake their heads, indicating how well they have kept their secret from their loved ones. 

"Leila, this is your secret now, too," Tristan says, stepping closer towards me. "We have worked hard to get to where we are and we have plans for the future if it works out. A more transparent business with legit earnings. I have done so much to undo all the bad my father did, and it was barely enough. I need this to stay a secret for a little bit longer."

I just nod, unable to find the words. I still can't believe that they outright told me everything that has been going on. But now that I know, I can't help but feeling there is something I could be doing.

"You're not going to help us, you have your own shit to deal with," Tristan says seriously, practically reading my mind. If Uncle Luke wasn't here right now, I would have kissed him. 

"Guys, can we discuss this or maybe not discuss this in the morning? Leila has had a rough night, and Tristan you need to file that paper work the board gave you," Uncle Luke gestures towards the back door, indicating that Tristan should leave. 

We all say our goodnights and retreat to our respective beds for the rest of the night. Now that one mystery is out in the open, there's one more to go.

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