Hidan's reaction to Kakuzu's death. (Cringey AF)

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Listen to the song.

Anyways this is a semi ship.

But a sad version of it.

I was just in a depressing mood when I drew this.

I was just in a depressing mood when I drew this

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Here's the whole thing.

And here's a close-up of Hidan's face.

This is the literal definition of M O O D

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This is the literal definition of M O O D


It's a ship I guess.

The song at the top is where the lyrics I wrote Hidan singing came from.

If you couldn't read them, here they are;

Bye bye baby blue~

I wish you could see-

The wicked truth~

Caught up in a rush,

It's killing you~

Screaming at the sun,

You blow into~

Curled up in a grip.

When we were us~

Fingers in a fist-

Like you might run~

I settle for a ghost-

I never knew~


I held onto~

But I settle for a ghost-

Well I chose those lyrics since it was a sad song.

Cringey af meaningful story time-

Well basically the story was that Kakuzu died before Hidan ever confessed to loving him, and then Hidan had an emotional breakdown because he wished things would go back to how they used to be, and was clinging to the time where things were okay before everything went wrong. Kakuzu had become more and more distant over time, eventually picking a fight he couldn't win. Hidan had almost told Kakuzu about his feelings before the battle, but was to scared of rejection to admit it, and then Kakuzu was killed and Hidan blamed himself.

Holy F*ck that was painful to write. So cringey....

Well I was being an edgy depressed BIOTCH when I drew this....

Welp. It's KakuHida.

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