"I Don't Want To Tell You"

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Just a little warning, this chapter contains some violence. It's pretty tame, so you'll probably all be able to handle it, but I'm still warning you. Also, there's some cursing.

Tysm for reading this story! **

You sigh, stepping out of your car. You always feel nervous about being outside at night, understandably, so you close the door quickly and rush to open your trunk.

You want to get inside as quickly as possible. You yawn, tired from the long plane ride you just got off of.

For the past month or so, you've been on a trip because of work.

You pull your suitcase out of your trunk and close it before pulling the handle up and walking toward your apartment building.

You enter the building and make your way up the stairs, heading to your apartment. Once you arrive you start to unlock your door, but hear a click behind you and turn around.

It's Sarah. She's just come out of her apartment with a worried look. When she sees you she gasps, relieved, and her face lights up. "[Y/N]! You're back." She rushes over to you and takes your hands in hers, her face becoming worried again.

"Have you seen my brother?" She asks. You shake your head. "Why?"

The girl lets out a shaky breath and looks up into your eyes. "I left to go to the store for a bit two days ago and when I got back, he was gone!"

"I don't know what happened to him. I'm worried." She sighs. You nod, a worried look on your face.

"I hope he's okay." You say. The girl nods.

"If anything bad happened to him, I don't know what I'd do." She replies.

What a lying bitch.

She doesn't care what happens to him and she knows it.

"Well, I'll let you know if I see him, alright?" You reassure her. The pinkette nods and gives you a hug. "Thank you, [Y/N]." She says before she leaves you and goes back into her apartment.

You sigh, worried about Cody, and rummage through your pocket, looking for your key.

When you find it, you put it into the keyhole and unlock your door. You open it and step inside. 'I wonder where he is.' You think before you are grabbed by an unknown person, one arm around your waist and the other covering your mouth.

The person uses their foot to pull your suitcase inside and shut the door in one swift movement.

I would laugh at this, were it not such a dire situation. Plus, you wouldn't understand why I'm laughing, because you don't know who it is who grabbed you.

You start to frantically kick and punch in an attempt to break away from the person's grasp. You yell a muffled "Let me go!" against their hand and thrash around.

"Shh... Shh... I'm sorry..." The person apologizes as you open your mouth, prepared to bite them until you taste something. Blood.

Your entire body tenses up and you stop screaming. The person takes their hand off of your mouth and you start to cry. "Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me." You repeat over and over, trying not to make the person angry.

They shake their head frantically. "I won't..." They start. "I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to scare you." You recognize the voice. It belongs to Cody.

"I'm gonna let you go, okay?" He starts. "Let me explain." You nod and he, as promised, lets you go.

You take a step away and turn around. "I'm sorry," Cody says. His eyes are red and puffy as if he's been crying.

Bubblegum (Yandere Male Twin x Reader x Yandere Female Twin)Where stories live. Discover now