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I can't explain this well, but I'll try my best.

So, with COVID-19, or the Coronavirus, causing such a disruption in everyone's lives and the fact of schools being closed down, this story along with Tears of Fire are going on hiatus for a few weeks. This is mainly because I have loads of school work that was sent in, along with the fact of this creating a sort of writer's block. I haven't been able to focus on writing and ideas haven't been coming to me as of lately. I've mainly been focusing on my life and my family as we try distance ourselves from other people. I know that many others have been affected by this virus and I send my condolences. This is a hard time for everyone and I hope that all of you and your loved ones stay safe. Nonetheless, I want you all to know that I am NOT giving up on these stories. I love writing, and these ones specifically are special to me and I want to finish them in the future, but I can't continue them as of now. When I get done with everything and get over this writer's block I will jump back into writing immediately! 

So in the meantime... 

> Stay safe.

> Spend time with your loved ones. 

> Practice social distancing.


> And try to be there for those that have been affected by this.

We ALL play a part in this and can help each other. So let's support each other and don't lose hope. We'll make it through this.

- Astro

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