Prologue: Intro (I guess)

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm Ukulelegal here. You can just call me Jay, though. I've decided to actually post something since I've had nothing better to do than draw or write. This is obviously my first story, so I don't expect it to go so far, but I just wanted to post this for the heck of it. Our main characters in this story so far are Maxine (Max) Jacobs and Jamie-Lynn (Jalynn) Santiago. Best friendship? Or love story? We'll just have to find out.


“Tag! You're it!” I shouted, then giggled as I was chased.

Age 9: the good times where you had not a single care in the world. A time all about fun.

“I'm going to get you!” called out my closest friend, Jalynn, chasing after me as if I had taken something that belonged to her.

We were out at the park near our homes. Since we lived in a gated community, our parents let us go places as long as we were together and stayed within the boundaries.

“You'll never catch me!” I teased. And I was right. I was always a faster runner than Jalynn. I knew that and sometimes I would just slow down for the heck of it, although, this time I didn't want to. I laughed as I dashed up the short hill that was at the edge of the park. I frequently kept glancing back to check if she had given up.

Once I made it on top of the hill, I took another glance and saw Jalynn still running, but with a scared look on her face.

She reached out her arm as she screamed, “Max! No!!!” Next thing I know, I tripped as my toe hit the edge of the sidewalk and fell flat on my face. That wasn't why Jalynn was screaming, though. If I had just taken two steps past the pavement, I could have been roadkill by a fast-paced moving van.

I still laid there as I waited for Jalynn to catch up. I'm pretty sure she saw me fall. I felt something warm drip from my nose. Jalynn crouched next to me, helped me sit up, and then gasped.

“Nosebleed,” she said. “Oh my gosh! Max your nose is bleeding.” I could tell she was really worried. She was on the verge of tears from what could have happened.

Being the stubborn tomboy I was, I tried acting tough even though it hurt. “Jeez, Jalynn. I'm fine,” I said, rubbing my nose on the end of my gray and red flannel. I gave her a comforting smile in order for her to relax a bit. She immediately hugged and squeezed the life out of me. I can't complain, though. She's my best friend. She let go and I said, “You saved my life, you know.”

Her wondering, brown eyes looked at mine in curiosity as she mouthed, “How?”

“If you didn't scream, I wouldn't have looked back. If I didn't look back, I wouldn't have tripped.”

She started to get the picture and smiled at me. She then helped me up and we went straight home, avoiding any questions our parents asked about the dry blood on my flannel's sleeve.

Jalynn POV

After what seemed to be a traumatizing afternoon at the park, Max and I decided to go spend the rest of our Saturday at her house. She told me she wanted to show me something. On our five minute walk home, she kept touching her nose and looking at her fingers to make sure there was no more blood, she seriously scared the crap out of me.

“Hey Jalynn,” she called, catching my attention from my inner thoughts.

“Yeah?” I replied, having nothing else to say.

“Want to ask my dad if he could go bring us to get some ice cream once we get to my house?”

“Sure. Sounds good. I'm still kind of sweating from all that running.”

“Okay then,” she said as we approached the front door.

Max then looked around on the ground. I used to think it was weird she did this before I knew what she was actually doing. Max picked up a small rock and pressed some kind of button that made it open to reveal a small key. Now what people didn't know was that this wasn't the front door key. Her dad taught us that it was the key to the backyard's sliding door and people would have to go through our German Shepherd, Vince, if they ever wanted to break in.

We went through the gate to the backyard and greeted Vince. He followed us to the back door and we let him in the house since we were home. Max had me wait in her room as she returned the hidden key back to its proper place.

“Okay, So what was it that you wanted to show me?” I asked. Curiosity always got the best of me.

She smiled, knowing I was going to ask. “Close your eyes,” she said as I obediently did as she asked.

I heard a drawer open then shut and she had me open my eyes. Before me, she held a purple karate belt.

“Oh my gosh, congrats! You were leveled up,” I said. I was happy for her. She was taking karate for about 4 years now. I met her 3 years ago, but it doesn't really matter now, does it?

“Yeah. I know it's great,” she replied, her voice was a bit monotone.

“What's the matter?” I asked.

“I just don't feel much of the passion anymore. I mean, yeah, I'm improving, but I just don't feel the same as back when I started.”

“Then there's not much of a reason to feel bad. You still can kick butt, at least, and there are many other options for hobbies,” I explained, trying to lift her spirits.

“You're right.” One of the things I love about Max. I can easily get her to believe in something.

Max then put away the belt and went to change her flannel. We then went to her dad's at-home office and asked for ice cream. He agreed and we spent the rest of the afternoon out. Just another day of crazy fun with my best friend.

A/N: So. waddya think?

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