Chapter Five- He looks like a tall glass of water

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I should have known our newfound neutral ground wouldn't last long. There's only so much time you can be stuck in a house with someone before one of you cracks up. We lasted a week. On week of decent conversation and nice behaviour towards each other. Then it was lost. It all started when Zip said he was "damn near done with my fucking ass" when I set off the alarm once again, which meant a notification was sent to the club. A situation Zip had to rectify by calling the club and clarifying our safety through certain cryptic messages. It was early morning, I had rolled from the couch, stepping over Zip who was on the floor and made my way groggily into the kitchen. Boiling the kettle I moved towards the backdoor to stand outside for some fresh air. Unfocused and not fully awake, I shifted the key and slid the door open. A piercing blare shot through the house, commencing Zip being "Done with my fucking ass".
"I'm sorry I've never been quarantined before! And the stupid password on the system changes everytime I mess it up!' I yelled back as he stormed out of the room.
"Maybe if you didn't set it off every other day it wouldn't have to be changed, Grace. Jesus!" He exclaimed, searching the bedroom for his phone.
"Alright, alright I know okay? I'll try and focus more. I'm sorry." I called back, feeling my anger rising. It wasn't like I enjoyed pissing him or the the club off but it's hard to remember the system first thing in the morning when you aren't even fully awake.
"Yeah, you tend to be sorry a lot don't you?" he called sarcastically back. I glared towards the direction of the hallway.
"Hey! No fair, asshole.  I fucked up I get it." my hands formed fists at my side.
"Fucked up which time now? There's been a few times, princess." He called back before I heard him on the phone. Excuse me?
"Hang on a ding dong second," I muttered before storming down the hall into the bedroom. I grabbed the phone from his hands, "Whos this?" I demanded down the phone, ignoring the look of outrage on Zips face.
"Banks, babe. What trouble are you causing?" He sounded highly amused.
"It's my fault, I won't be making anymore early morning trips outside if that helps. Its me and Zip here, no one else. I don't know what code words you use or whatever but I can clarify it's us by saying you came and put in the system. Now, can I get the new password so I can have a discussion with Zip?" I asked and heard several laughs coming from the other line. It would appear I had been put on loud speaker.
"I'll get that to Zip, babe, he can tell you it. I'd be worried if I told you you would forget by the time the conversations is over. Here's an idea, maybe get some fridge magnets and put it up somewhere you can clearly see it." He joked but I didn't take note of the dig.
"Funny, Banks.  Chat soon. Zip will ring you back." I ended the call, moving my focus to Zip, "Number one,  since when am I a princess? And number two-" I snapped.
"Don't ever take the phone from me again when I'm talking to someone, Grace."  he rumbled at me.
"And number two,  asshole remarks are unnecessary when I'm trying to apologise." I spoke over him. He scowled at me.
"You're a piece of fucking work aren't you? You fucked up and yet I'm the one that's done wrong.  And you're a princess because you expect everyone else to clean up and sort everything out. You're an adult, own your goddamn mistakes, stop making them and give me my phone." He growled at me. I put his phone in his outstretched hand. He instantly put it in his back pocket.
"You know this isn't exactly easy on me either? You think I enjoy this? It would be great if you could stop throwing shit in my face, I'm beating myself up enough over it all." I said back and watched him laugh sarcastically.
"You're pathetic." He said shaking his head at me. My body rocked backwards as if his words were a physical blow.
"Fuck you." I tried to sound angry but it came out hurt.
"No, princess," he sneered, "Fuck you. Pathetic, must run in the family." without further action, he turned and left the room, effectively dismissing me.  It took me a minute to gather myself before following him. He was in the kitchen when I got to him.
"What does that mean, runs in the family?" I asked but had lost the intensity of anger. He didn't turn to look at me as he got himself a beer from the fridge.
"From what I've heard, your mother had a few things to be sorry for as well." I blanched at his words.
"How dare you ? You don't know anything about her." my voice broke with emotion, my mind was racing so fast I couldn't fully process what was happening.
"Oh and you do?"he clipped back still not looking at me. I gasped in shock and he finally looked at me. His face was unapologetically void.
"Ok," My voice was croaky, "We're not getting anywhere. I don't know what's happening here but I am not being part of a conversation like this." Turning I left towards the bedroom before I started bawling crying in front of him.
I closed the door softly before lying down on the bed. My heart was bounding in my chest, my stomach clenching sorely. My mind was reeling around how the conversation had broken down to such a degree. Tears soaked the pillow under me.

I don't know how long later it was when I got a knock on the door. I didn't answer hoping he'd go away. I had stopped crying awhile ago, having nothing left in me to continue. My gaze was focused out the window, looking at the sun setting behind the trees in the back garden.
"Babe, It's me." Banks voice came through the door to me. I rolled over onto my back and looked toward the direction of his voice.
"Banks?" I called, my voice scratchy. The door opened slightly and his face popped through the opening. The light on in the hall behind him cast his body in shadow.
"Hey babe, you've got me for a few days. Zip was needed elsewhere. Just letting you know I'm here. I brought a whole thing of new food and stuff with me. Let me know when you're feeling hungry, I'm thinking I'll cook up some steaks." He grinned at me but it held sympathy. I'm sure Zip was needed elsewhere. I nodded my head offering a small, timid smile.
"Will do, Banks thanks." I replied before rolling back onto my side towards the window. He paused a minute before the quiet click of the door closing sounded. I didn't leave the room that night and Banks left me to it. The house was eery quiet until I fell asleep. Not a star could be seen in the night sky, clouds blanketed every inch.

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