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The difference between the views of the smut and non-smut chapter is hilarious, I'll keep that in mind for the future hehehe  ;)



"Hello, son. You seem surprised. Did you really think I wouldn't find you?"

Jungkook was shocked to see his father in front of him. But he easily masked it. He was taught not to show his emotions and fake them all his life after all. Jimin saw trough his cold demeanor and secretly reached for his palm. Taehyung pushed himself in front of the two boys. Jungkook squeezed back Jimin's palm once they were hidden behind Taehyung's figure.

"And you must be Taehyung."

"Indeed," Taehyung waggled his eyebrows.

Jungkook's father's smile dropped. "You should consider yourself lucky to be alive then," the man let him know. Taehyung didn't back down. "I possess much more then just luck."

"Oh, do you?" The older man chuckled dryly. "And what exactly? Good family connections and a lot of wealth? I know your cousin Namjoon did well for himself once he took over. It seems that's family ties are important in your family too. So I'm sure you understand why I would want for Jungkook to go home with me now. He wasted enough time as it is. Not just mine, but yours too. My son loves pretty people and I'll admit you posses somewhat good looks if not anything else."

Jimin grimaced. Meeting his lover's father was a disappointment. The undying romantic inside of him hoped that one day when he met his partner's parents they would become his too, and replace the two figures that Jimin missed having on in is childhood. But this wasn't anything close to what he hoped for. At least he doesn't seem homophobic, Jimin thought.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Jungkook snapped at his father.

"Ah, good, you're finally speaking Jungkook," his father tilted his head to be able to look at him. "Let's go home now. Enough of playing games."

"This is my home!"
"Yeah, this is his home," Jimin agreed.

"And who might you be?" The man averted his attention to Jimin. The boy stuttered. "I- I- I'm J-Jimin."

"Jimin?" Jungkook's father looked a bit puzzled. Jimin cringed thinking how he probably only heard of his stripper name, if he heard of him at all. "Who might you be?"

"I'm..." Jimin never finished that thought. Who was he? Just some stripper with a nice body. A pampered sugar baby. That was basically what he was. He averted his gaze on the floor, not able to meet anyone's eyes. He hated these thoughts that just popped up in his head, telling him he's worthless and underserving of Taehyung's and Jungkook's love, that he's selfish. He knew that their love was mutual and that the two boys would do anything for him just as he would have done anything and everything for them yet he still couldn't shake his doubts off.

"He's my boyfriend," Jungkook easily snapped Jimin out of his trance and cleared all his doubts.

"Oh, he is your boyfriend?" Jungkook's father was intrigued. "And Taehyung is what; your patronage?"

"He's also our boyfriend."

"Our?" He let out a short forced laugh. "You're telling me all three of you are in a relationship?" He glanced at each of them, giving them a bone-chilling stare. Taehyung stood his ground, not showing any emotions, Jimin was hidden behind him, nervously biting his lip and Jungkook took a step forward and stood next to Taehyung.

"Wow, Jungkook..." His father looked at him bewildered. "You're really living the life, aren't you? Having two people, you— Do you actually love them?"

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