~chapter 25

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Flashback continues...

Lifeless unconsciously Manik lying down on the cold floor of his room which was completely mess.. all his things scattered on the floor.... his clothes scattered every corner of his room.. a big frame broken into pieces.. his mirror broken into zillions pieces around his body.. his left hand is bleeding continuously.. his both legs was bleeding as Manik walked over the broken glass...

Outside of his room.. a butler who was working in kitchen comes out of kitchen and saw the time.. he got worried as Manik hasn't come out of his room.. he then decided to walk to Manik's room. The butler walks back in kitchen and filled plate of Manik's favourite food..

He then climbs the stair and stood front of Manik's room.. he knocks the door.. he knocks few more time but not getting response he got more worried for Manik because this unusually for Manik to stay in his room too long..

Butler : Manik baba.. Manik baba open the door..

He shouted but again no response from Manik.. he was getting working for Manik.. he immediately screamed another butler name who came immediately came running..

Butler 2: what happened kaka?

Kaka : get me Manik baba room key.. it must be in neyonika madam room..

The butler nods and ran to neyonika room.. soon he came with key and gave to kaka..

Kaka : hold this..

Kaka gave food tray to butler while kaka inserted the key in door role and opens it.. as he pushed the door he got shocked seeing the room state.. kaka roams his eyes around the room when his eye fell on Manik.. he immediately rushed to Manik and taps his body..

Kaka : Manik baba... Manik baba...

Butler who was standing at door looks at kaka in worried..

Kaka looks at Manik teary eyes... his hand touch Manik body and felt very hot..

Kaka turns his head at door and saw butler..

Kaka : call the ambulance..

Butler nodding his head ran out and calls the ambulance while kaka was trying to wake Manik up.. his eyes get blurred seeing Manik like this.. Manik was like his son.

Kaka : Manik baba... open your eyes..

Soon the butler came up with ambulance team.. the ambulance staff took Manik hospital...

Kaka went to Manik in ambulance while butler stayed at room and called Nandini immediately...

In Murthy house..

Nandini was in her room and thinking what today incident.. she was lost in her thoughts that didn't realise for how long she was sitting like this.. her thoughts were disturbed by a phone call..

Nandini wiping her tears off she took her phone and saw call from malthora house.. she frowned thinking why Manik is calling from landline but nevertheless she picks it up..

Nandini took deep breath..

Nandini: hel...lo..

Butler : hello Nandini... ma'am... Manik baba in hospital....

As she heard Manik is in hospital.. phone fell form and she stood there all shock...

Nandini: man... ik....

She muttered his name before rushing out of her room.. as she rushed down she was called by chachi who saw her running but Nandini ears went deaf only hearing Manik was in hospital.. she was ran out of Murthy house without listening to chachi is who was calling her..

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