TRS - Part Thirty Eight

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As we busied ourselves, going about our day, a thought popped into my head.

I'll have to ask Tooru the next chance I get.

As soon as I thought that, we found ourselves alone with a lull in our busy diaries.

'Tooru, I've only just noticed but, where are your servants?'

'Oh them? I've sent them on an errand. Once you found out my secret and accepted me, I felt I could spare them for a while.'


I wonder if that's what he meant when he said 'you know what to do.'.

'Wasnt that just after you got the letter from your father?'

Tooru looked surprised.

'I didn't think you would remember that!'

'Of course I do, I thought you looked worried about something at the time...'

I probed him.

Tooru sped up and walked on ahead.

'What are you on about, Hajime. I wouldn't worry about my father. Anyway, let's go to the garden!'

I'm glad to see Tooru is back to his normal spontaneous self.

But, for some reason, I felt something stirring inside. Something was bothering me and I couldn't quite work out what it was.

Oh well, if I don't know what it is then I cant resolve it!

And so the niggling feeling was put to the back of my mind as I ran after Tooru towards the gardens.

We spent the rest of the day in and out of meetings with various noblemen, helping my father with his responsibilities as king.

We fell into bed, exhausted.

'Hajime, I'm so tired. I dont even want to get undressed.'

'I cant be bothered either.'

As we lay there, a knock on the door disturbed us as Akira appeared.

'A letter has arrived from your father, Tooru.'

Tooru darted up and snatched the letter away from Akira.

'Did you read it? My father can say some inappropriate things in his letters.'

'We do have policy in this castle to read all incoming and outgoing mail.'

Tooru eyed up Akira.

'So, is there anything interesting in there?'

Tooru questioned Akira further before opening the letter as I slowly peeled myself off the bed.

'Nothing of too much interest, though there is some interesting information....'

Tooru tore open the letter, reading the contents seriously, eyebrows furrowed.

'Thank you for delivering this Akira, you may leave.'

Akira bowed and took his leave as Tooru walked over to the fireplace, tearing up the letter and throwing it into the flames.

'Why do you always burn his letters?'

Tooru took a moment too long to respond.

'Because I don't want anything from him and feel there is no importance in their contents.'

'Are you sure? Seemed Akira thought there was something interesting...'

I couldn't help but prod further.

It's not that I don't trust Tooru but something feels off.

'Oh, that's probably just that my attendants are coming back tomorrow. It seems one of my fathers servants is coming with them.'

'Oh? Why one of your father's attendants?'

I could see Tooru was getting agitated by my constant questioning.

He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck.

'I dont know, probably to check up on me. Hajime, let's stop talking about my father....'

He starting kissing and nibbling at my neck.

I refused to give in so easily.

'What's this attendant like?'

'Urgh, he's a horrible old man. Hajime....talking about old men really is a turn off....'

He pushed me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. Kissing me and touching me in all the right places to make me forget what we were talking about.

It was definitely a welcome distraction.

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