'Your Clumsiness is why I love you' (Hugh x Reader)

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You were the clumsy type, everyone in Aspertia city knew that, it wasn't a secret to anyone esspecially to you, you had already fallen down the stairs that morning, spilled your cereal milk on your brand new shirt, tripped over your own feet about three times and banged your head off the door frame when waving your mother goodbye for that morning. Heck if you didn't have your Snivy there to help you every 5 seconds you would most likely hurt yourself badly enough to land in hospital. You were seen as the optimistic and positive kind of girl that more than not didn't really care what other people thought of you and it didn't seem to matter how clumsy you were or how many times you fell over, you always got right back up and got back to what you were doing.

There was only one thing that stopped you from being entirely care free and non caring of others opinions, after all there was one person that you cared seeing you in such embarrassing situations. You had been running through the city streets to get to your voluntary pokemon class with your Snivy running along at your side, you hadn't been watching where you were going as usual and...


''Agh!'' You yelped as you slammed right into someone and stumbled back falling right into the fountain in the middle of the city. You groaned and rubbed your head hearing several people around you chuckling, at first you found it easy to shrug it off as you shook your head to clear your eyes from the water. ''I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and.....H-Hugh?!'' You squeaked upon realising who it was you had just slammed into and not only had you fallen in the fountain he was on the ground rubbing his head.

You instantly jumped up with panic on your face, your heart had started racing like crazy seeing that the boy you had the biggest crush on was on the floor because of you. Not only did you like him, but he was the coolest guy in your pokemon class, all the girls liked him and dreamed of being with him. He was cool and level headed and passed all the exercises easily with his Tepig. You had fallen hard for him and now you were regretting even leaving the house this morning, you had been so excited to get to class because it was your day to be his battle partner and now... Well you felt you had blown any small chance you had with him.

''Hugh! I'm so sorry this is all my fault let me help you u-woaah!'' You started before you started slipping over, the bottom of the fountain being wet was of course slippery and once again you hadn't thought ahead to that. You started falling before you felt strong arms wrap around you and pull you to their chest.

''Easy y/n, if your not careful your going to get seriously hurt this time'' Hugh's sweet voice chuckled into your ear, your skin crawled and you felt like you were going to faint, Hugh was holding you... YOU! Of all people and he didn't even sound mad just mildly amused. ''Man your completely soaked through... We still have some time before class, come on you can borrow some of my clothes for today'' Hugh said smiling as he placed you firmly on your feet then took your hand and pulled you towards his house which was conveniently right there.

By now your face was burning a bright red and you could see Sylva your Snivy in the corner of your eye, he was giving you a smug smile as he hurried along beside Cinder Hugh's Tepig. When you both arrived at class together you were wearing one of his larger shirts as a dress with a belt around your waist to pull it in to hug your body. Your shoes and hair had been dried with a hair drier and you actually thought you looked good. ''Alright everyone pair up and get ready for double battles you all know your pairs right?'' The teacher called, you looked to Hugh and gave a smile moving your hair behind your ear as you both went to the court for the first battle.

Once the signal had been given for the battle to begin you instantly went into battle mode ''Lets do this Sylva!''You shouted as your Snivy jumped of your shoulder onto the field looking ready, you may be a klutz but when you battled you were in total sync with Sylva and didn't mess around.

''Cinder your on!'' Hugh shouted as his Tepig landed beside Sylva also looking ready to battle. The opposing pair then sent out their Oshawott and Growlithe. The battle began and it was clear both sides wanted to win as both you and Hugh started off a little shaky, you were nervous about being partnered with him to the point that you had left Cinder open for a hit with water gun however your quick mind snapped into action and you shook your head, you couldn't let Cinder get knocked out so fast!

''Sylva! Stop your attack and protect Cinder now!'' You shouted, Sylva looked back before using vine whip to swing out of the way of ember from Growlithe and landed in front of the water gun taking it hard as it slammed him back into the tree. ''Sylva! Are you okay?! Get up please!'' You shouted, Sylva seemed to struggle at first and it made you worry.

''Y/n I have an idea but you have to trust me'' Hugh muttered to you as he took your hand. You looked up to him before nodding and smiling, of course you trusted him, he was a competent battler and rarely made mistakes. He nodded and smiled back to you ''Cinder! Charge at that tree and tackle it!'' Hugh shouted pointing at the tree Sylva was laying against.

Just before the attack hit you nodded ''Sylva vine whip on the grass!'' You shouted, Sylva obeyed and got up into the air as the tackle hit the tree. Just then as Sylva landed on the floor a Sitrus berry fell from the tree and landed in front of him, Sylva ate it and you and Hugh finished the battle quickly. After a long day of battling in class you had found yourself up on the hill under a tree with a sigh, it had been a long and crazy day.

Just then Hugh sat beside you making you jump and accidentally slap him ''Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you let me-'' before you could go on Hugh's finger landed on your lips as his face drew close to yours smiling.

''Shhh~ You know you battled well with me today y/n. Sure your clumsy and always get close to getting yourself hurt... But you know your clumsiness is why I love you'' Hugh whispered into your ear and gave it a soft nibble. You instantly froze and your face burned red as you stared at him in shock wondering if you had really just heard what he had said right. ''Whats that look for? Need some proof?'' He asked with a laugh before his face turned serious which made your heart flutter. He leaned in, gently pushing you to the grass and his lips met yours. You felt ready to faint, this was like a dream and yet it was real. You closed your eyes and started returning his kiss happily allowing your love for him to be made clear under the setting sun.

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