The Best

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I just wanna be the best

I just wanna be the best

I just wanna be the best

For as long as he could remember, Bakugou had strived to be the best. To surpass all others. To be the one people could look up too.

For as long as he could remember his mother had scoffed as his words. Had claimed that such a brat could never be someone to look up to. Such a bully, such a weak kid. So dumb, can't even make any friends. Bullies don' t save people. Bullies are the ones who people get saved from.

It was at age 14 when he began to use violence on himself. He was trying to stop bullying Deku but the anger was building and he ended up releasing the explosions on his own arms. He wanted- no, needed to be best

"I'm ok"

I'm hardly perfect, I'm barely good

Just shy of greatness, ah, ah

I'm heavy metal, I'm hollow wood

Just shy of patience, ah, ah

Every day he went home and listened to her yelling. Listened to her words like whips on his ego. He listened as they began to play on a loop as he would finish his homework. soon after feeling the all too familiar sting and smell of burning.

Everyone at school was scared of him, he was heavy metal in front of them. Loud, obnoxious, and demanding attention. At home he was so quiet it was like he never existed, Just like his father. His mother would fill the empty space so quickly, quick to yell, to hit. She always banged the pots when she cooked, stomped on the floors. She made a noise as though her life depended on it.

When he tried to stop her or even say anything she was quick to shut it down. Never giving him a chance to grow from the mistakes, only repeating them to him. Never letting him live anything down.

"I'm ok"

Me, I wanna walk a little bit taller

Oh me, I wanna feel a little bit stronger

Oh me, I wanna think a little bit smarter

Said, I just wanna be the best

He tried to act more confident, He began to yell, to scream at everyone. He trained for hours. Pushing himself until his muscles never stopped aching. He studied late until the night. He almost never slept but kept busy enough that his mother's voice couldn't come back... Until it started while he trained.

Telling him his technique was off, he was too slow or too sloppy. That his handwriting was uglier than him. That he was a bully and that's when it started again. He cut, he burned, he pushed himself on still. He would cut when his grade slipped even a little. When he messed up a new move. He worked until his palms stung and his arms became heavy.

He trained for hours then studied until he passed out. He needed to be the best right? What dream came true without pain? He just needed to.. Keep... going

"I'm ok"

Me, I wanna walk a little bit taller

Oh me, I wanna feel a little bit stronger

Oh me, I wanna think a little bit smarter

Said, I just wanna be the best

HE HAD MISSED A DAY OF SCHOOL??? How had he slept that long? Oh god, his mom was going to kill him!! How had he..??? He ran to the door and flung it open only to be greeted with a short green ball of fluff.


"O-oh, Hi Kacchan! I was just giving you your homework and checking in on you! I know your parents went on a trip so my mom said that I should check on you. And I was worried that-"

"Oi, stop fucking muttering you shit head! I'm fine!"

"A-are you sure kacchan? Because you look dead, N-not in a bad way! I mean.. Wait is that blood?"

"I- no- It's.."

"Kacchan, I-I think we should have a talk."

He shouldn't, It would ruin the image he has so carefully but... He really wanted to and he...


"I don't think I'm ok"

I just wanna be the best

I just wanna be the best

Oh doctor, doctor, I have no clue

A modern beauty, ah, ah

So fix my face up with diet glue

And science fiction, ah, ah

Deku had made him get therapy as soon as the dorms were put in. He attended with Katsuki, knowing how nervous it made him. The therapist was a tall man who was kind but straight forward. He cut through the bullshit and got to the root of the issues. Often leaving Katsuki feeling raw but better.

He cried a lot, but it felt good. He could finally tell someone about these things. He and Deku grew closer and eventually started dating. It took a while but Katsuki had finally gotten good enough with feelings to apologize. He came to trust the bakusquad as well. Even going as far as group cuddling with them.

"I'm better"

Me, I wanna walk a little bit taller

Oh me, I wanna feel a little bit stronger

Oh me, I wanna think a little bit smarter

Said, I just wanna be the best

Me, I wanna walk a little bit taller

Oh me, I wanna feel a little bit stronger

Oh me, I wanna think a little bit smarter

Said, I just wanna be the best

I just wanna be the best

I just wanna be the best

Deku had shown that he didn't need to prove he was the best. Shown he could let down some walls, and that he was deserving of love. He bore the scars on his arms proudly as he fought villains. He was a hero to people who suffered. He showed that one could go through hell and still be ok.

He was ok now.

He was ok with imperfection. He was ok with 2nd place. He was ok with weakness as long as it helped him improve.

He was ok not being the best.

Because he knew that he was the best in Izuku's eyes, and maybe that was all he needed.

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