Chapter 12

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Isabel swallowed as Alysandir pulled off his clothes. He looked at her and smiled because she was trembling. He lifted her chin and met her eyes with a tender smile. "Are you afraid, my Isa?" Slowly she shook her head no but he silently demanded her honesty and so she nodded even more slowly yes, she was afraid. "Then you know the first thing to do is learn your enemy well."

"Are you my enemy?" she smiled a little confused, unused to bedroom banter.

"Aye, set on invasion." His gaze was intense. And for some reason she found it a little difficult to breathe. "Come," he soothed as he lifted her hand to his chest, his eyes held her gaze, warm and comforting, calming her chaotic thoughts. "Learn me well. My body has been given to you and yours to me. You can do nothing wrong. Now you will learn to let go and trust me." Her eyes gleamed bright blue as he engaged her mouth in the gentlest kiss he had ever offered. A whisper on her lips and then he pressed his cheek against hers as he whispered into her ear. "I love you, Isa."

She pulled her hair to her back and he looked at her in her glory. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were sparkling.

"You are so beautiful, Isabel," he breathed.

"And you, Alysandir," she smiled and realized that she had never finished her list of compliments that she was supposed to give him, "are very tall."

"What?" he laughed.

"Hmm. I never finished my list," she admitted.

"A list for what?" he asked as he moved her to lie beside him. He twisted her hair around his finger the way she had done in their battle and tried to pay attention.

"While I was in the bath before our wedding, Mary told me that after you... you..."

"After I bed you," he provided with a smile.

"Yes," she breathed relieved. "That I must say something nice. On the way to Annie's I gave it thought, but I barely knew you so all I was able to write down was 'tall' and 'scar'. Then I lost the list and never finished it."

"You accidentally sent it to me on a note, I believe. I thought those were things you didn't like about me. I believe I was treating you poorly and thought you were trying to insult me."

"Those weren't insults."

"So you like my scar?" he asked touching his brow and following the white line to his ear.

"Yes. All of them." She kissed the deep wide scar on his chest.

"Why? Most women think they are ugly."

"First because it showed me that you are strong and courageous. Next because I have one of my own."

"Yes. I barely noticed it." He brushed her hair away from her left shoulder and examined it. "Arrow wound." He lifted her for a more clinical examination and saw the mark on her back. "Through and through. I wouldn't have even noticed it. Annie's herbs?"

She nodded. "So do you find my scar ugly?" she was a bit nervous with that question for her eyes did not meet his.

"Not at all. I think you are right. You are my strong and courageous wife." He bent and kissed her gently, imagining a thousand ways to slowly kill Gilbert when he found him. "So now that you have had time to know me better, can you add anything more to that list you started?"

"I can. Are you seeking a few compliments?" she teased.

"Your approval is hard to come by," he smiled as he teased her back.

She sighed. "I've never expected a man so powerful and capable in battle and I know you went easy on me."

"And you on me. My only comfort in that is I am terribly glad you did not truly wish to injure or kill your husband," he flattered.

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