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1. What is the story about ?
2. When is it happened ?
3. Why the story can be popular ?
4. Who is the main character and other character ?
5. Where is the story ?
6. How do you think about the story

1. The story about the Tugu Jogja in center of the crossroad
2. Tugu Jogja was built around one year the construction of Yogyakarta kingdom
3. - Standing in the former Courthouse
    - In addition to the monument, you can    enjoy this facility as well as new knowledge about Yogyakarta
    - The towering Heroes Monument turns out to have a special meaning
    - It's almost 3 centuries old
4. -
5. In Mangkubumi, Soedirman a.m sangaji and Diponegoro roads Yogyakarta
6. Interesting and respect

HISTORY OF TUGU JOGJA Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang