Chapter 14

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Taylor's Pov

I heard my alarm go off at around 6:30. I woke up and went to my closet and pulled out so black slacks,a ruffled business shirt and so black high heels. Today I had a job interview at spark works (that's made up) I went to go check on Lana and she was sitting up playing with one of her toys so I just left her there.

[20 mins later]

So I was done getting me a Lana ready. I out my black business jacket on. Put her shoes and jacket on here, then I got my purse, my phone, and my charger and walked down the stairs with Lana, her diaper bag, and my high heels. I walked out the house and locked it. I put Lana In her seat and but the other stuff in the passenger seat. I drove her to day care and signed her in. I took her to the room with the babies and put her down. She crawled over to some toys and started play with them. I put we diaper bag down and went over and kissed her cheek. I went back to my car a looked at my phone and I had a text
Text convo
-Chresanto💖:good morning beautiful

Good morning chres wyd?

-On my way to a job interview.hbu?

I'm doing the same thing lol. But I have to get going bye :)
-ok bye :)

End of convo
I drove to SW(spark works). I pulled up around 20 mins later. I saw a familiar car but I couldn't think off who it is. I walked into the building and asked the lady where do I go for the job interview.
Me:"Good morning, can you pls instruct me to where the have the job interviews" I smiled she was like pretty. If she was compared to GloZell..

Lady: Go down this hall way it's the 4 room to the right.
I did as I was told I went in the room and saw... Chresanto? What the fuck😂. I walked in an sat next to him.

Chresanto Pov

I saw Taylor walk in looking bomb ass hell. She looked confused to why I was there. She came and sat next to me and started to play "bruh button" (a/n bitxhes no one can fuck with me on that game I got 121 Bxtch turn up😂) . I checked her out the whole time. When they called me back. I got up And walked to the door "good luck" Taylor said. I smiled and walked in the room.

[after the interview]

Taylor's Pov

So me and Chres decided I go out for lunch. We went to Chipotle. I ordered my food and he ordered his. As we waited for our food to come we talked.
C:so umm.. there's something I've been meaning to tell u..

Me: well what is it?

C: "well u see.. Taylor I've been in love with you since the first day I met u. I would've tried to get with you but mister tree man took you away from me. So I just backed off."I was cheering and blushing

Me:"Omg...thats everything that I was going to tell you but a girl version." I smiled as Chres got up to go get the food. We decided to take out and eat at my place. He somehow got to my house first. We went in and I checked the time it was only 1:24 so I was good. we sat down and began to eat. I turned on the tv and began to watch paranormal witness. Chres scary ass flinched every time something popped up on the screen. We finished eating 30 mins later, I thorough our trash and walked out the kitchen and chres was standing right in front of me. We stared at each other for a while then we both leaned in and kissed. Idk if it was just me but I felt sparks. He nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance I let him in and we tongue wrestled for a while. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.. oh lord what am I about today. He layed me down on the couch. He put his hand up my shirt and took my shirt off. I took his off and we began kissing again. He carried me upstairs and through me on the bed. I smiled. He caressed my back and unclipped my bra. I noticed that he got hard. Oh lord, I tugged on his pants and we both took our pants and underwear off. As we kissed he began to tease my "kat". As I became wet he shoved his "member" inside of me.

[after that 😂]

Chresanto Pov

Well I just had sex with the one I love.. and it was amazing. We both took a shower and got dressed. I kissed her goodbye and said I would text her later on. Shit....Kayla she'll be fine she think Idk about Khalil (Khalil is Khalil underwood his fine ass)....yea I know she is cheating but didn't matter. But a nigga was to happy. I pulled up to the house and walked in. I saw Kayla watching tv on the couch she looked at me and smiled.
K: how did the interview go?

Me:"it went well. So what did u do today?"

K:oh.. nothing

C:"give it up Kayla I know you been fucking Khalil" her face was priceless

K: How did u know?

C:well I been knew and you just told on ur self
She sat there in shock

C: Get yo shit and leave
She got up and packed her stuff. She came down 20 min later with 3 duffel bags. She went to her car and drove off. I took a walk and when I got back I went to my room changed the sheets and layed down and called Taylor.

Taylor's Pov

After I got back from picking Lana up she wasn't feeling good so I gave her some cold medicine. I took her to her room and laid her down an she went to sleep. Then I went back to my room and my phone rung. It was chres a bitch was to happy😂

Phone convo
-hey beautiful wyd?

Nothing I just laid Lana down she sick. Wbu?

-Oh nothing jus kicked Kayla out


-"well she was cheating on me so what the fuck was I supposed to do" I heard him chuckle

Oh but u cheated on her

-but she been cheating on me for like 6 months

Oh fuck.... was his name Khalil

-yea how you know

He was at the hospital.. I saw him talking to Kayla but I didn't think it was nothing..

-"Thanks for telling me babe"I smiled "hey can u come open the door?" I was lost. I hung up

End of convo
I went and opened the door. I saw roc there with roses everywhere. I smiled.
C:Taylor can you do me the favor to make me the-

haha cliffhangers are the best. Think you all know wat the question is but what will she say and will someone come and interrupt them?


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