Part 1

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"Why are you walking away? We are not finished discussing this!" You shouted, trying to keep the tears from flowing down your face. It had been five months since you'd seen Tom once he started shooting Cherry in Cleveland, and to say you missed your boyfriend would have been an understatement.

But instead of wanting anything to do with you, it seemed like all Tom was trying to do was push you away. Whenever you asked him to spend time with you, he was already out the door going somewhere else.

"We finished discussing this when you showed up at the pub like a child!" Tom yelled, his sudden rise in tone making you flinch. You'd had arguments before, but never one like this. Never one where you felt like you were losing a battle you hadn't even started.

"Tom, please. It's been five months since I last saw you, I missed you!" You pleaded, following him into the bedroom. Tom didn't bother to turn around, completely shrugging off the gentle hand you placed on his back. He was livid and clearly frustrated by your presence, but you were determined to talk to him. When you sat down on the bed, Tom started to pace around the room with his hands pulling at his hair.

"God, you always do this! Pull that 'I missed you card' and act like this! I wanted to hang out with my friends, why was that so hard for you to understand? It was just supposed to be me and them, not you. You're not my fucking mother, Y/N!" He growled, sinking into the bed. He knew a break was coming, but he was too in his head to stop. It's not that he didn't want to spend time with you, he loved you and you meant the world to him. But filming Cherry had been a really gruelling, intense experience and Tom needed a minute to find his bearings. It had been a lot to handle, especially without you with him. He'd gone to a dark place, and he wasn't coping with it well.

Of course you didn't really know what he was going through, which is why you didn't stop yourself.

"Tom, I'm not pulling any card! I just really missed you, and I know you like being with your friends but we've hardly spent more than five minutes together! No, I'm not your mother but I am your girlfriend which I thought meant something to you!" You cried, tears now streaming down your face. Tom's words had hit you hard, but the worst part was feeling like your boyfriend hated your presence. Tom sprang from the bed and you could see the anger on his face.

"God, shut up! I can't do this anymore, you're so fucking annoying! Just leave me alone, stop bothering me all the time!" Tom shouted, the fire in his eyes now fully visible. You shrunk back a little, more worried than scared. You knew Tom would never hurt you, but he'd never been like this before. Tentatively, you reached out a hand to touch his shoulder but Tom violently shrugged it off. He was shaking now, and so were you.

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME? GET OUT! FUCKING LEAVE, Y/N!" Tom screamed, throwing his phone into the wall. It shattered into pieces, and you winced at the action. Tom's face was completely red, and you froze in place. You wanted to sob, but you were so spent that the tears stopped falling. Now you were just tired and defeated, with Tom screaming at you to leave for missing him.

He wanted out, and so you decided to leave.

"Okay." You whispered, wiping your eyes and watching Tom turn back to face the wall. You knew he was hurting badly, you wanted to reach out and hug him. But as soon as you took a step forward, Tom scoffed and stormed into the bathroom. With a slam of the door, you let out a shaky breath.

"You better be gone by the time I come out!" Tom screamed from inside, and your entire body shook with emotions. You were shaking now, the tears streaming from your eyes without a sound coming from your lips. It was obvious what was happening, you were having a panic attack and the one person who could get you through it was causing it.

"Tom...please..." You whimpered, feeling your throat constrict as you gasped for air.

But there was no response, the only sound audible was the rushing in your ears as you struggled to the wall.

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