November 17th 2014

9 0 1

My life when you think it :
Oh my Gosh
Wanna know why ...
Well I will tell you :
•Being in a high math class
•Friends who betray me.
•Being depressed a lot
Wondering "why did god put me here if he knew I was going to have this kind of life"
So yeah that is my omg life .

Today I figured out that my 8-9 year friend betrayed me

I was saving a seat for my really good friend and she puts someone who I dislike a lot right next to me. Sad, I know .

Why am I here? God please tell me why I am here living today.

If anyone wants to they can pray over me.

I literally cried on the bus the other day for being bullied.
All I know is that I have 1 or 2 friends that are nice and don't betray me like a lot of my other friends do :( :( :( :(
I went from very popular to being lonely and sad and scared of what life has.

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