Chapter 6 - Leaving Us.

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Nicolla's POV:

Oh my God, I'm now finding for the finest t-shirt of mine and why can't I just get one in this messy cupboard.

I groaned and kept on digging in the mess but soon, little Jordy's sweet voice calmed me down yet the baby lend me a shirt. It was good for once and there's none any holes around either. So, this will make it.

I grabbed the shirt in one hand while another was holding Jordy's little hand.

Jordy, a cute nickname that I created for him right just now and I hope he likes it though.

Making our way to the living room, my eyes bulged out in pure surprise as I saw this Greek God straight from heaven. Never in my entire life I had imagined a man to be this gorgeous.
My cheeks flushed and eyes sharpen up to trace all over his soulful body.

Starting from his muscles abdomen which packed with abs and those arms that were holding me just now was so define. I knew at our first hug itself that he will be like this but I never expect him to be this gorgeous.

"Mama, what happen? " Jordan's worried voice drag me out of my fantasy land with this man.

"Oh, nothing Jordy. Let's give this to uncle James. " I said while masking up my flushed face and he simply smile.

"'s the shirt. I-I would just take this. " I lend James my t-shirt and I take the one on his arms which was soaked. I couldn't stop ogling this man and why can't I stop?

Oh my God, Nicolla. You can't ogle a man like this. That's also the blind one, who doesn't knew anything around. I'm sure that he is clueless about how will it effects me.

"Nicolla. " he called out in sudden and my eyes drifted up to his perfect face. The stubble that adds up more gorgeousness to his jaw is so itchy and I couldn't stop thinking of caressing them.

" " I was still fantasizing this man until I heard his last word. Right before, my eyes were one checking him out as my whole system went off.

"I'm sorry, what again? " I asked back to ensure his words and he just chuckled. His neck getting red and am I thinking it on the right way? I mean, is he blushing?

"I just thanked you, Nicolla. " he said while chuckling in his soft voice and it's my turn to blush.

"Okay....I mean, that's okay. I ruined your shirt so I had to do something. " I explained and he just hummed as his face smudged in happiness.

Later on, I put his soaked shirt in my dryer and I got to the kitchen to make some food for us. Since he is staying here a little bit longer, he needs to eat dinner. I offered him a take out at first because I know that it will take time for me to cook for three but since, he's staying here longer for his shirt to get dry, I will be cooking for all of us then.

I was making some prawn with spaghetti and I heard this splashes of laughter. I got this smile on my lips and after shutting off the stove, I slowly stepped peaked at the living room.

My eyes landing on this two boys who was sharing some moments to each other. James was tickling little Jordy and the baby just can't stop giggling.

I love seeing this.

"Mama, uncle James is very funny. " Jordy called me out and I was too engross in their time together until I didn't realise that I have been standing there for so long.

"Really, Jordy? Okay, so now why can't you bring uncle James here to the dinner. " I cooed at the baby and he just showed me his perfect white teeth.

"Be careful on him, alright. " I said then I heard a 'okay, mama' and I went to arrange the dining table. After placing the spaghetti bowl on the table, I put three plates on each side.

James, then walked in with Jordy dragging him in and they were still joking onto each other.

"Enough, boys. Let's eat some food, okay. Jordan, come here little guy. " I called him and he happily ran to me. I picked him up and made him to sat on his chair. Later, I walked up to James while directing him to the one which is beside Jordan.

How could I forget? My big t-shirt hang very baggy on James and he seems to never mind it. To be honest, he looks very damn hot like this.

Oh my God, Nicolla. What's got into you?

I shooed the thoughts and sat with them, eating the dinner with small talks here and there.

I heard this ticking sound of my dryer, addressing that his shirt was dried already.

I got up from the couch and walked to the dryer. I picked out the shirt and it smells just like him, even after getting washed.

"James, your shirt is ready. " I mentioned as I lend him the shirt and he carefully stood up, taking it out of my hand.

"Thank you, Nicolla. Then, I guess....I could leave now. " he said with that cheeky tone and poor Jordy's face became sad.

James picked him up and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"We will surely meet again, little guy. " James cooed and he knew that the baby doesn't want him to go.

Surprisingly, me either. But, I can't be that straight. I knew that one day when he get to see the real me, he would just take off right away.

He would never want anything this much, I thought, as I looked down at my body.

"....bye. " Again I zoned out and failed to catch up onto James's word. He was standing by the frame of the door right now and little Jordy couldn't separate his hand from James's hold.

"Thank you for tonight, Nicolla. And, you too little guy. Be a good boy to mama. " James murmured to Jordy and he simply just nodded with his pouty lips. I stepped forward to open the door for James and Jordan wrapped his arms around my legs, his face on the verge of tears as he sees James stepping towards the door.

"Oh, Jordy....we will see him again. " I said and I picked him up. He wrapped both his small arms around me and he faced away from James.

"Jordy, come on. We can see again, right. " James said in his usual kiddy tone while stroking Jordan's head. He was standing so close to me to reach up to Jordan and I did never back away.

The proximity that I'm facing right now is simply what I wanted.

James peered to leave but stopped abruptly, turning around he places his hand on my arm. Trailing slowly upwards to my face as he cupped my cheek gently. He leaned in and I was anticipating of what going to happen next.

Sooner, smooth lips touched my forehead in a lingering kiss and I stood the stunned with the baby on my arm.

"Thank you again. " James whispered before leaving us in front door.

His figure slowly disappearing from my sight and thank God my dark skin covered up the pink blushes that I could feel on my cheeks.

What a day.

Next one will be interesting *wink*

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