Chapter One

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When does life begin? An embryo? The minute a baby cries? Does it begin when a person is aware of their environment? Aware of themselves? Aware of others? Or maybe it starts when a person gains independence? 

These questions have been floating around my mind as of late. 

I should be getting out of bed now, my final semester of university starts today and I don't feel like going to class, I just feel so...tired.

"If anyone's gotta live this life it's gotta be me I guess", My thoughts slurred through my lips.

"Come on, Dime, up and at 'em girl", I sighed to myself while hauling my body from under the safety and warmth of my duvet.

I sat at the side of my bed for a moment trying to muster up any kind of motivation I could, it's been getting more difficult every day just to get out of bed but I know I have to, I have to keep putting on this brave yet fake face.

I can't let people in on how I've really been feeling, I don't think anyone would care either way and the few people I think would care, what can they do to help me? 

Give a few choice words of encouragement and incentive? What good are these words when your brain can no longer comprehend them? Or when your heart has hardened in order to protect itself from any more bruises.

The tears are falling again, I no longer have control of them, it's as though my eyes are dams that have grown weaker.

It's customary now: I lie in bed for a few minutes, pull myself up, sit on the edge of my bed, study about everything and nothing and then...I cry, I cry for a bit until I feel somewhat, like a human again.

I finally got off the ledge of my bed and looked into my mirror hanging on my stark, white wall, I aggressively rubbed my hands over my swollen, red, tear-stained face.

"I look terrible as usual", I chuckled. "Welp! Nothing a shower and a little concealer can't fix."

I pulled myself out of the mirror and robotically began stripping my big, grey t-shirt and underwear combo I assigned as my sleep attire and tossed them on a heap of laundry that I keep promising I'll get to since moving into this house.

"You have got to tidy this hole in the wall you call a room Dime". I lectured myself.

A quick shower and three minutes of scanning through the closet, I decided to settle for a mediocre outfit of, a dark blue mini denim skirt, a black oversized top, white vans and my glasses. Now, I was ready to let the world see me.

I made sure I grabbed my laptop and my phone and I was on my way out the door but not before I bid a farewell and blew a kiss to my beautiful, unmade bed.

"I shall see you soon my sweet."


I chipped down the stairs of the two-bedroom house I shared with my roommate and best friend, Aska, who I can say I've grown to love very much.

Aska and I met at university during our second year, we happened to be in the same poetry class that exact year, we didn't speak to each other immediately.

Nevertheless, I sometimes admired how cute she looked or when she'll occasionally wear her natural curls but I especially loved when she wore her hair slicked to the side and pulled to the back just making her look so classic.

Then, a week and a half later Aska walks into class and I finally complimented her. She was wearing a pair of close-fitted jeans, a white knotted shirt and brown sandals.

I told her how nice I thought she looked that day, she blushed, thanked me and repaid me a compliment about my name and how unique it is.

From that day until now we've clicked and became thick as thieves.

So, for our final semester, we decided to put our money together and rent a cosy duplex because as it turns out, living on-campus is actually a lot more expensive. It took a lot of convincing our parents to increase our funds but it literally paid off.

As I am about to enter the kitchen, my nose picked up on something burning. I bend the corner and there was the source, Aska attempting to fry plantains.

"Hack, Hack! Good mornin', Aska". I said as I tried to clear my lungs of smoke.

"Hi! How are you, D?", she chirped.

"I'm okay but I'll be better if you weren't trying to suffocate me.", "What are you doing anyway?" I asked.

"What does it look like?" She said giving me an attitude.

"Hard to tell but it looks like you're trying to kill us by either burning the house down or giving us food poisoning", I retorted.

"Shush, Dime, you talk too much," she said rolling her eyes and gesturing to the whole situation.

I snickered, "Make sure you fan the smoke away from the detector before it goes of-...",


"Ughhhh!!! How do I make it stop?!"

"Stop, stop, stop, shut up, please! " She begs the smoke detector.

Any minute now and I know she'll start panicking so I quickly leapt onto the nearest kitchen counter and before I could turn off the power, an onion comes hurling passed my face and cracks into the poor thing, ceasing its crying.

"Did you just throw an onion at me?! You could have killed me!" I squealed.

Aska sucks her teeth at me, "Don't be dramatic, it stopped didn't it?", "Okay, sorry!"

She instantly surrendered with her hands in the air after I shot her a menacing look.

"Sigh! You know you're paying for that, right?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I know," she replied.

"Anyways, why were you even frying plantains? You don't like to cook and the only times you come into the kitchen are to bug me about what I'm making." I poked fun at her.

"I was TRYING to be a good friend and make you one of your favourite dishes but I see my efforts aren't appreciated," Aska said with a sarcastic huff.

"Alright, fine thank you? But why were you cooking for me? What's the special occasion?" I looked at her with confusion knitted into my brows.

"Dime...seriously? Today's your birthday, girl!", "Happy birthday sweetie!" she cheered pulling me into a tight squeeze.

Right, today's my birthday.


She Was A Forgiver

Her heart was so large, she didn't know how to give up on people, because she always believed in the good of the people she loved. It was until she was walked on so many times, she had no choice but to let go of those who burned holes into her heart.


Hey!...If anyone knows who the author of this brilliant piece belongs to please tell me.

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