Part 24 - the birth

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I woke up it was around 3am when I looked at the clock. I was in so much pain I was whimpering my way to the bathroom. Suddenly I felt something warm run down my thigh. "MY WATER BROKE" I screamed waking Draco up in the meantime.


I woke up to Harry screaming that his water broke I was so scared. What if something would go wrong, what if something happened. I couldn't get these questions out of my head.

"Come on lay down" I said trying my best to stay calm. Although I was dying inside I decided then and there. I wasn't going to loose Harry or this baby.

I started helping him telling him to push and he did as told through it all. I was fighting back the Veela urge to go hug him. Tight and hold his hand he was screaming in so much. Pain until I was holding a little boy.

I went and was going to clean him off when another head popped out. "It's twins" I said as calmly as I could. Harry looked at me so tired and scared.

"I can't do it anymore" he said. He had so much pain in his voice. "Come on Harry, baby just one more good push and. It'll all be done" I said he pushed and there I stood. Holding another little boy.

I cleaned them off and handed Harry both of them as he. Was trying to reach them from me he kissed each boy on the head and then smiled. "We did this" Harry said,

"no you did this" I said smiling at him. We just sat and cuddled until we fell. Asleep with the two new born boys in our arms.

The next morning we woke up to two boys screaming at the top of their lungs. "I'll take this one you take the other" Harry said half smiling. He was still so tired, "we need to find names for them" I said.

I looked at Harry who was changing the boy he had. "How about Scorpius" Harry. Said pointing at the boy I had. "And Albus Severus" he. Said pointing at the one he had.

I picked up Scorpius again "they sound lovely" I said kissing him gently on the lips. "I'll go down and make breakfast.

Put these into some cute clothes mother and father are coming over." I said before walking downstairs.


When I came down I saw all the Weasley's, Hermione, Ron and the Malfoy's. "Is this some sort of a party?" I asked. When I got into the kitchen "no where is he?" Draco said plainly.

Like he hadn't given anyone any information. I just smiled "he fell back asleep." I said before kissing Draco on the lips and hugging everyone.

Draco had gotten alright with me hugging people that he and I knew very well. So basically only family and really close friends.

Then suddenly we heard two cry's from upstairs. "Come help me with him Dray?" I asked. "Of course" he said as we walked up the stairs. The crying became louder and louder.

We walked down the stairs I holding Albus and Draco holding Scorpius. Everyone looked up and saw us both holding kids. "It's twins" Hermione was the first to speak.

Then everyone curdled around us wanting to see the two boys. "Oohh they're so cute""what are they're names?" Were. All we heard for a couple of minutes we didn't say anything. Until everyone had closed their mouths completely.

"Well thins one here is Albus" I said slowly lifting Albus up a bit. "And this is Scorpius" Draco said slowly lifting Scorpius up.

We all sat and everyone had a turn holding each twin. I saw on Draco's face he didn't really trust anyone with. Them except for me although he was being very brave for. Letting everyone hold both of them. "I love you" I wispered to him. "I love you too" he said kissing me quickly on the lips.


I saw that Harry was exhausted after the birth that night. And then only a couple of hours sleep after "hey why don't you go to bed. I'll put the twins down" I said to him.

"Oh okay is it alright with all of you?" Harry asked the Weasley's and Hermione. My parents had gone about 10 minutes ago. "Of course Harry" Hermione was quick to answer for everyone.

"Good Night" Harry Said while walking upstairs. "Good night" me and everyone else said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would you like to stay the night.? We have a spare bedroom you could stay in I know you're the only. Once here that can't apparite and it's late." I said and they just looked at each other almost shocked.

"Yes that would be lovely, thank you dear" Mrs. Weasley said. "Of course anytime" I said back at the two Weasley's who were smiling. Probably at the thought of not having to fly home tonight.

"We're leaving" Hermione said "okay bye" I said back "bye" they all. Said before disapparate away "Come on, I'll show you too. You're bedroom" I said to the two Weasley's that we're staying.

They just nodded and walked after me upstairs to a guest bedroom. That was fairly comfortable, it could easily fit the two of them in there.

"Thank you Draco" Mrs. Weasley said "thank you, we appreciate it" Mr. Weasley then said. "Of course, Harry would have been upset. If I'd have sent you home in the dark and at this time" I said back. "Well good night act like your at home" I said. "Good night dear" Mrs. Weasley said.

I went into mine and Harry's room, the twins were sleeping so peacefully and. They were so adorable, I went into bed and cuddled. Harry close to me he mumbled something I couldn't hear. And he buried his face in my chest.

I could hear his faint little and adorable snores. I layed their just admiring him. Before eventually I fell asleep.


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