Chapter One

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Winter had just gotten her promotion to Atlas Military Specialist, and instead of staying in her office and doing work, Ironwood insisted that she go out and celebrate.

"Go out with some friends, go dancing, and enjoy yourself! You deserve a night off." He had said to her in her office. Well, after pondering the situation, Winter decided she would go out and have a few drinks. Though, she didn't really have any friends she could go out with, so going by herself was really her only option. So, she got dressed up, looked up a few clubs and picked one nearby her apartment so that if she had one too many it wouldn't be too far of a walk. When she arrived at the club it wasn't too full, and there was a little room at the bar so she took a seat and ordered herself a drink. Again, it wasn't too full so there weren't many people on the dance floor, though most seats around the place were taken.

The night went on, Winter had a few more drinks, and with the music and the club starting to fill up, she was actually kind of enjoying watching people. The drinks were helping her to relax and let he hair down, and it wasn't long before she spotted him; A man, probably a little older than her, a hint of a beard on his chin, dark hair, and eyes as red as roses. He was...extremely cute, and Ironwood had told her to enjoy herself. By this time in the night, several men had come up and asked Winter to dance, and she denied all of them. However, there was something about this man that just sort of compelled her to go over to him. So, she finished the drink she had and got to her feet, walking over to him. At the moment he was a bit preoccupied with a few friends, but eventually his eyes landed on her. He noticed Winter coming towards him, and he looked her up and down once before smirking at her and winking. At this Winter couldn't help the heat that came to her cheeks, it had been awhile since she'd really flirted with a guy, maybe this was a mistake, she was kind of drunk after all. But, her body would not let her stop moving towards the man.

Finally, she reached his table and his friends quieted at her approach. The smirk on the man's face never faded, even as the table quieted.

"Well hello there, and what can I do for you tonight?" He asked, looking up at Winter. How did his eyes seem redder than before? Winter's heart was pounding, maybe it was the alcohol, because she never got nervous. Taking in a deep breath she stood up a little straighter, completely forgetting why she had walked over there. Then, her eyes glanced towards the dance floor. Perfect.

"I was you want to dance?" She asked, noting the stares from the other men in his group, which only made her more nervous.

The man, however, seemed amused by this, but he stood, much taller than she'd imagined, and gave her a charming smile. "Sure, Sweetheart." He said, gently taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor.

As they walked away, Winter heard one of the men say something along the lines of, "Well we've lost Qrow for the night." She began to wonder just what she got herself into. As they made it to the dance floor the man smirked and pulled her close, dancing a bit with her. Some of the other couples were sort of grinding on each other. However, he seemed to remain respectful, keeping his hands on her waist and not moving them up or down. They moved to the rhythm of the music and Winter looked up at him, her own hands resting on his chest.

"The names Qrow, what's yours? Or should I just keep calling you, Sweetheart?" He asked, smirking again. Winter found herself really enjoying the way he smirked at her, and he had such a deep, gruff voice, she wanted to hear more of it. Gods, was she really that drunk?

"It's uhm, Winter." She replied, a little smile on her lips, her cheeks still feeling hot. Of course she purposely left out her last name, not wanting that to matter in this situation.

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