Chapter 1: The First Day

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The characters from Achievement Hunter/Rooster Teeth will look and act different to fit in with the story. There will not be any major changes but just a few small things. Also I love everyone from Achievement Hunter/Rooster Teeth so if I portray people badly then I definitely do not dislike them it is just for story purposes.

My alarm sang it's awful song, meaning that it was time to get up. I groaned as I sat up and turned my phone alarm off. I looked at the time, 6:30. I rubbed my eyes as I lazily got out of my comfy bed. I dragged my feet to the bathroom where I showered and brushed my teeth. I strolled back to my bedroom to pick out clothes from my wardrobe. I slid on a pair of black skinny jeans over my slender legs. I then picked out a plain grey t-shirt and fumbled around with that as I put my head in the hole where my arms supposed to go. I looked in my mirror as I fluffed up my hair.
"First day Gavin, don't mess up." I whispered to myself before I grabbed my plain black rucksack. I took my phone off of my bedside table before walking downstairs.
"Hello dear." My mum greeted me. "Ready for your first day at high school, as they call it in America?" My mum smiled as she buttered some toast.
"I'm a junior." I told my mum.
"What love?" she asked whilst passing me my toast.
"That's what they call sixteen or seventeen year olds in my year here." I told her.
"Oh, okay." She said, even though I knew that the move has her still very confused. We had to move from America because my dad got offered an amazing job over here, so he obviously couldn't turn it down. After I had finished my toast it was time for me to go school.
"Bye mum!" I called out as I put my rucksack on my back and left my house. I strolled down my street and to the bus stop where several teenagers about the same age as me stood talking. I waited for the bus about ten metres from where everyone stood. The yellow bus soon pulled up and everyone piled on with me going on last.
"Hi sweetie, you new here?" The driver asked me as she chewed on her bubble gum.
"Yes I am." I told her.
"Well I'm Barbara." She said as she blew a bubble with her pink bubble gum.
"Gavin." I said as I walked to the first seat that was empty and sat down. I sat alone and just looked out of the window for most of the bus journey. We pulled up at my new school and everyone on the bus forced their way out, me being last again. "Thanks Barbara." I called out.
"You're welcome!" I heard her yell before the bus door closed. Where to now? I guess the main office to get my time table. I walked to the front office and received my time table. I had my form room with Mr Ramsey. I began walking to my form room when I ran into someone.
"Hey watch it!" A tall figure with dark hair yelled out.
"Sorry." I muttered before walking off. I told you not to mess up Gavin! But no, what do you do, run into a tall stranger, congratulations! I soon stood in front of the door of my form room. I ran a shaky hand through my hair before I walked in, making everyone go silent and stare at me.
"Ah, you must be Gavin." Mr Ramsey smiled. He had dark brown hair, ice blue eyes and a curly moustache.
"Yes, erm, yes I am." I replied nervously.
"Well you can take a seat at the spare seat in the back." He said whilst taking a sip from his cup of dark, warm liquid, like coffee or tea. I nodded and took a seat next to a tan skinned boy with dark brown, almost black hair and brown eyes.
"Hi." I whispered to the boy. "I'm Gavin."
"Ray." He replied after what seemed like forever.
"Well hi Ray." I smiled awkwardly.
"Hi Gavin, are you British?" He asked, turning around to face me.
"Yeah, is it the accent that gave it away?"
"Yup." Me and Ray talked for the whole of form and compared schedules, we had a majority of our classes together so I guess that was alright.
"I'll walk with you to advanced math seen as we have it together." Ray said as the bell rang. I nodded as I slung my rucksack over my shoulder and followed Ray out. I was grateful that he walked with me as I would have no idea where I was going and would probably turn up late, like I did to my form room. Me and Ray took a seat in the back of the class as Ray told me he normally does. Just as class was about to start a tall, muscular guy with curly reddy-brown hair walked in and sat down next to me. He was followed in by a group of about four guys all in dark green jackets which had their names on the back, nothing like I had ever seen in England. The same boy from earlier walked up to me and slammed his fists on my desk, causing me to jump backwards.
"You're in my seat." He grumbled, fixing his dark hair.
"Leave him alone Joel, he's the new stupid British kid." The muscular guy said sternly to Joel. "Go sit with Jack." He pointed to another guy in the green jacket that was sitting in front of the boy.
"Fine." Joel then sat next to Jack and got out his notes.
"Aren't you a little young to be in this class, are you lost or something?" The boy asked.
"No, I have advanced math." I told him nervously.
"Okay, I'm Michael by the way." Michael smiled, letting one of his dimples show.
"I'm, I'm Gavin." I stuttered.
"Michael, come look at this." A girl called out from the other side of Michael. He rolled his eyes at me as he turned around to a girl in a cheerleader outfit with red hair that was put up in a perfect ponytail. I looked at the back of Michaels jacket which had 'Jones' written on the back of it.
"He's a jock." I heard Ray whisper to me.
"A what?" I asked.
"A jock, they're the 'sports' people." He said using air quotes, "that's why they wear those jackets, to tell other people that they're jocks, or populars. They're seniors so do not get in their way." Ray explained. "Especially Joel."
"Seniors?" I put a confused look on my face.
"They're in the year above us and are in the last year at this school. The jocks are heart throbs of every girl in this whole school." He said with annoyance lacing his voice. And maybe one boy. I smiled to myself as the professor walked in. He started teaching us and I struggled immensely.
"Need some help there Gavin?" Michael asked, probably seeing that I was struggling. I nodded as I was still trying to listen to the professor. He pulled out a bit of crumpled up paper and wrote his number on it.
"Call me and we'll arrange a tutoring day. " he said as the bell rang, handing over the piece of paper. "I guess I'll see you around." Michael smiled, letting both of his dimples show.
"Come on Michael, we need to go to our next class." The red haired girl called out.
"I'm coming Lindsay!" Michael said whilst throwing his bag over his shoulder. "Bye." He said to me before Lindsay dragged him out. I smiled to myself again. I didn't know what was going on, but I felt something. Only my parents know that I'm gay and I think I have a crush. But Michaels straight, and I'm pretty sure that that Lindsay girl is his girlfriend. So it's only been an hour and a bit and you already like someone, I told you not to mess up Gavin!

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