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Jungkook smiles as he looks at himself in the mirror, getting ready. He was in a plain, black hoodie and ripped jeans with flowers in his hands.

Lisa's favorite flowers.

Yes. He was going to meet Lisa today. He was excited, very excited to meet his love once again. As he put on his timberlands, the boy quickly went to his car and drove away.

After an hour, he was already at his destination.

The cemetery.

The man walks to his beloved's grave and crouched.

“Hey, Lisa. How are you? I brought you flowers. I was planning on having a picnic but . . . I didn't know how to cook.” Jungkook laughs and puts down the flowers he bought on Lisa's grave.

It has been eight years since Lisa died. And that day she died, Jungkook thought he did too.

Jungkook smiled at the last customer before the store was going to close since it's already late.

As he cleans the café, he hears the door open. “The store is close.” he says, not even looking up.

“Jungkook . . . ” he stopped, realizing that the voice was familiar.

“Taehyung?” Jungkook frowned, seeing him. He was confused.

“I need to talk to you.” Taehyung added.

“Wait, I'll get you something———”

“No. It's urgent.” Taehyung stops him and the next thing Jungkook knew they were sitting opposite to each other as Taehyung had a serious look.

“Did something happened? It's been a long time, Tae.” Jungkook says making Taehyung sigh.

“Lisa . . .  She. . . ”

“She left to Thailand, Tae. She's not with me. She chose herself and I respect her that. So if you like her——”

“She's dead.” Jungkook froze as if his whole world stopped.


“The plane to Thailand crashed, Jungkook. She was the only one to not survive.” Taehyung added as tears fell his eyes.

Jungkook gulped and shook his head. “No. We——Impossible. I was even with her at the airport. No, she's okay. Taehyung, don't tell me this is a prank. Please——”

“Jungkook, it's not.”

“I'm sorry. She's dead.”

Tears fell Jungkook's eyes, remembering that day. He chuckled bitterly, wiping those tears.

“I'm sorry for being dramatic. Just like what I told you, Lisa. Please be happy up there. And . . .  ”

“ . . . I love you. Always.”


What a twist, right? ;)

So . . . Book Three?

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