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 You brought him outside to the exact spot you talked to him the year before.

Y/N: Take off your mask. I want to say something to your face.

Hyunjin: I guess.

As he took off his mask and questioned your actions, you took yours off and stared him in the eyes.

Hyunjin: What?

Y/N: I thought about what you said and know why I cried.

Hyunjin: So what?

Y/N: The events arent similar. I also didn't cry because I confessed, it was because i missed the guy who said would wait for me. He was always there for me. I also realized that I only tried to burry and hide my feelings and past with him. By doing so, I distanced myself from him and whenever I saw him I was scared. Not of him, but of making the same mistake and leaving.

Hyunjin: What do you mean?

Y/N: I mean if the guy who waited for me is still waiting. Because I'd like him to stop.

Hyunjin: If you wanted me to leave you alone you could've just said so and leave all those confusing mixed sentences out.

Y/N: Let me rephrase that. Hwang Hyunjin. Do you want to be my prince charming?

Hyunjin: *chuckle* Sure. Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Y/N: idiot. Of course.

Hyunjin: May I?

Y/N: May you what?

Hyunjin: Have this dance?

Y/N: Yes.

You take his hand and share a dance before the night ended. At 12 am exact, Hyunjin stared at you in the eyes.

Hyunjin: I lied.

Y/N: About what?

Hyunjin: I didn't want to dance.

Y/N: Then what did you want to do?

Hyunjin: I don't know if you'd let me.

Y/N: What? Tell me.

He leaned in closer and began to whisper something... or so you thought. You waited for an answer until he stood back up away from you.

Y/N: Tell me, please?

Hyunjin: Yes or no?

Y/N: Yes tell me.

Hyunjin: Don't kill me.

Y/N: I won't as long as you tell me.

He leaned in and cupped your face. Your eyes enlarged as he placed his soft, plump lips on yours. Without any moment to blink, he pulled away and turned bright pink. You sucked in your lips as your face started to heat. The night went on and not another word was said between you two until...

Minho: Are you both sick or something? Why are you two red? See I told you we shouldn't have a campfire.

Yoomin: Me? Excuse me sir but some people like the outdoors.

Seungmin: I don't think they're sick.

Minho: Clearly they are. Look they're so red. *touches both of your foreheads* And their temperature is very hot.

Yoomin: They haven't coughed, sneezed, fainted, or said a word. Who knows what's up.

Seungmin: Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Hyunjin: We aren't getting married.

Minho: You guys aren't?

Hyunjin: I mean... uh... We don't plan on getting married so soon.

Yoomin: Well then what's up with the red faces and heat?

Minho: Did you race her while she was in heels? Did she beat you?

Y/N: We didn't run.

Seungmin: Something's fishy.

Yoomin: What happened? As your ex and your step-sister, I am obligated to know.

Hyunjin: Are we really each other's ex's?

Yoomin: Whether you like it or not we are. You dated me and I dated you. We even got each other gifts. Good thing I didn't kiss you or else it would've been hard for me to leave you.

SeungjinY/N: Hey!

Seungmin: Why are saying hey? I'm saying it because I'm dating her.

Hyunjin: Why can't I say hey? She fooled me the whole time.

Minho: Why did Y/N say hey? *GASP* Don't tell me. Wait actually tell me. What happened I want every detail.

Y/N: Of what?

Minho: I know you know what I'm talking about.

Y/N: Why are you so sure?

Minho: I'm Lee Know, how would I not?

Yoomin: What?

Seungmin: Break it down for us we don't understand your high classman talk.

Minho: Y/N and Hy-

Hyunjin: I'm gonna get some juice.

Y/N: Me too.

Minho: Hey lippies and lixie's sissy sit your a55es down. Now from an experienced guy in relationships, Yoomin offended Y/N when she said "good thing I didn't kiss hyunjin" obviously because they kissed.

Y/N: You don't know that.

Minho: Based on how defensive you are being, I'm right.

Felix: Hey gang me and Stepheni are going out to eat. Care to join?

Jisung: Channie's waiting so decide quickly.

Stepheni: That was my line.

Jisung: I was his first.

Stepheni: And I'm his now.

Felix: Quit fighting over me I know I'm cute.

Y/N: I'll go.

Without noticing, you accidentally grabbed Hyunjin's hand since his was under yours when you got up.

Hyunjin: I guess I'm going to.

Yoomin: Minnie?

Seungmin: Which one?

Minho: Of course, me duh.

Yoomin: I meant me but okay.

Seungmin: Rude I'm not riding with those two.

Yoomin: It was a joke.

Seungmin: Mine was too.

Stepheni: Okay flirts and King of the school let's get going already.

And that was the start to Y/N and Hyunjin's relationship.

[a/n: That was short and took me over 3 months to write including my days of writers block... It's pretty short but if you think about it its longer than my other ones based of how the other app I use to write my drafts show it. I hope you enjoyed this mini book?? while I figure out what to write for Jeongin Series. Anyways thanks for reading and have a good day/night/morning/evening <33]

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