A Final Test

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(Dang. 20k reads and 700 votes. May not be alot to some people but i really appreciate it, so thank you all. I also found that gem above)

3rd person pov

Rushing out a door the small group of four headed into the docks where they saw a few airships. Beginning to go towards it a crowd of guards ran out, blocking their way which made Fasha stick her hand out.

A blast of energy shot out, creating a small explosion and clearing the way so they hurried towards one. Stopping outside an airship the door opened, allowing them inside.

Mercury and Emerald went into the cockpit, starting up the engines which made a quiet hum become audible. As the airship began to move more guards came out, aiming their weapons.

Copying what Fasha did, Y/N looked to his hand and tried to focus, thrusting his hand forward, a smalled green energy blast firing out it, creating a cloud of smoke, allowing them to escape.

The gull wing door closed as the teen stepped back, sitting down while looking to his hands in confusion, wondering how he did that. Hearing footsteps he looked up, seeing Fasha.

Fasha: Tell me, kid, have you got control over your anger?

Y/N: I-It's hard to say. I haven't tried much, i don't want to lose it again

Fasha: Sometimes you gotta. If you want to protect people, you might have to self sacrifice

Emerald: Hey! No one's sacrificing themselves!

Rolling her eyes Fasha sat down, crossing her arms and legs, trying to rest as they got out of Atlas and flew out their air zone. However she felt the earrings in her pockets, so she took them out.

The woman looked at them curiously, holding them higher so the light could reflect off them to allow her to get a better view. She then lowered them, putting the earrings on to see if there was anything special about them.

Mercury: Who'd you grab them anyway?

Fasha: He showed them to me, and they were in a special container so i thought they'd be of some use. When the alarms went off i nabbed them and ran

Emerald: Did Ironwood say anything about them?

Fasha: Said they were powerful when used right, and that's it... this was a bust

She took them off and pocketed the earrings, trying to relax once more as the two in the cockpit began to fly to Salem's domain whoever the radio began to crackle, confusing them.

Looking to it Emerald picked it up and glanced over to Mercury who just shrugged his shoulders. She sighed and pressed a button on the side, thinking of what she should say.

Emerald: ...Yeah?

Radio: We know you're in that airship. Just give up and land now, so you can come peacefully

Mercury: Hey, i recognize that voice, it's blondie!

Radio: How's your leg?

Mercury: Fine. How's your pride?

Sounds of frustration could be heard coming over the radio which made him chuckle as Y/N got up, walking over to the entrance of the cockpit and holding onto the door frame.

Radio: I don't want you, i want Y/N

Emerald: Hear that? You've got an admirer

Y/N: I'll go with you. But you have to beat me

Radio: Trust me, i'll do it easily. I sent you somewhere to land so we can do this

They glanced to the teen who just nodded. Rolling her eyes Emerald took over controls and began to go towards the meeting spot while Y/N sat down in the back, looking down to his feet.

Wrathful Yet Pure: RWBY x Male Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now