A rivalry between "friends"♡

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Jane had spent the first half of the day writing in notes which to say the least was boring as hell, but it was essential to becoming a great hero so she still did it. Meeting all the different teachers was fun to, each of them had a different personality like the first teacher, aka the tired one was very strict and seemed not botherd, but the next teacher who had blonde hair was loud and exciting. She was enjoying it.

The bell rang for lunch and she started to pack her stuff away when a few girls and boys approached her, She was more a person who liked have friends that were boys but she didnt mind making a few friends that where girls. 2 girls came up to her first and introduced themselves as Mina and Momo, They told there names to her and complemented her on how cool she looked with her piercings and hair colour, she smiled and thanked them.

Then a green haired boy came forward "Hi my name is Midorya Izuku but my friends call me deku so you can call me that" they shook hands "Wait doesnt deku mean useless, why would that be your nickname?" She asked out of pure curiosity he smiled and told her about how it was a childhood nickname that he had grown to like, She smiled and nodded and he asked if she could like she would like to eat lunch which him and some friends and she gladly excepted.

On her way there she noticed the blonde that she had run into a couple of times and decided she wanted to be at least friends with him. He was speaking to a red head who he kept calling shitty hair which she found kinda funny. She walked up to them and poked the blondes back trying to get his attention, and she did. He turned around with a angry look on his face which kinda softened when they locked eyes. The red head feared that the blonde would start curing at you so he took hold of the conversation first.

"Hey your the new girl right? Jane was your name I think" he said as he rubbed his head trying to remember "The names Kirishima " he said as they shook hands. The blonde stared at there hands as they shook annoyed. "Its nice to meet you Kirishima, do you mind if I borrow your blonde friend for a second?" She said, the blonde was shocked but he didn't object. "You wanna talk to bakubro? Are you sur-" he was cut off by katsuki taking her wrist and pulling her along "Make this quick, I have better things to do than talk to a shitty extra" he said.

She shook her wrist from his grasp and walked in next to him until they got to a corner. He was about to speak when she said "Listen" she looked him in the eye "We haven't had the best luck meeting up and I hope we can be friends" she raised her hand up to him, "But I'm just as powerful as you and if not the same then more" she got a deadly look in her eye, "Stop making me seem weaker than you, Hell you haven't even seen my quirk yet, so I hope we can get along" she said. "Your nothing more than a dumb extra for me to surpass, we can get along but if we end up fighting I'm not going easy cause your a girl" he said as he raised his hand to shake hers, "Yeah this girls gonna be the one to beat you" she took her hand away before he could shake it and they both gave each other a determined look and she walked off with her arms crossed.

He put him arm on the wall leaning on it as he watched her walk away to deku and they walked off together " You really are something else" he smirked and chuckled and then put his usual scoul on his face and walked back over to shitty hair who started asking what happend between them to which he responded with "None of your business" and starting eatting his lunch.

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