Chapter 2

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It was the next day. Alastor was furious that vox kissed me. My knees were to my chest as I was getting scolded for helping him."he was hurt!" "You know you can't trust other demons" he yelled back. "It was a small kiss it meant nothing what so ever why are you so mad you always get bad if someone looks at me a certain way!" I screamed my example " you are just a child" he said "I'm 25 years old I'm no child but you all treat me like one I'm not a person who made a deal with you or anything!" I yelled. It went silent "and what if" I mumbled. "What if I enjoyed it just a tiny bit" I said my fingers pressed against my lips. "Enjoyed it?" He asked I nodded slightly.  He went over to me and gripped my waist. "Al that hurts" I squealed. He mashed our lips together. I squirmed trying to get out of his grasp. He separated our lips. "See you won't like how he kisses you when he's mad I've seen him done it and that's the same exact way promise me you won't fall for him" I was silent "promise me!"he yelled "I promise" I said. He let me go and walked off. I ran to the bathroom and stayed there. I had been throwing up. What did that kiss do to me?  Why can't I fall for Vox? What was wrong with him? He seemed nice or a little. I went out of the bathroom and grabbed a frozen juice box. I teared it open and started sucking on it like a popsicle I did this when ever I had something on my mind I don't know why but the coldness on my fingers reminded me of Vox. "Y/n you seem worried"I heard vaggie. "I'm not" I said "your eating a frozen juice box again" she said. I looked at my frozen hands. I was so cold and yet so warm. I smiled. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was the syllables of Y/n. My name? I answered the door. "Hello" I said looking up to see vox. "Ah angel it's nice to see you again where's Alastor" he asked me. "Oh uh he's in his room throwing some kind of fit over yesterday." Vox nodded and let himself in and walked to his room. I could slightly hear what they were saying. "So what if I kissed her don't see what the big deal is." Vox said "she is 25."Alastor responded. "And" he said. "Please stay away from her" he said. "Fine is that all that I was needed for" he asked. "Yes you can leave." Alastor said. I ran to the couch and acted normal. Vox looked at me for a few minutes than looked away and walked out. I felt angry. I went into Alastor's room. "Y/n" Alastor said. "Why did you do that"I asked him "for your own good" he said. He looked at me. I stared at him. I ran quickly outside and caught up with Vox. I hugged him from behind. "Please" I mumbled into his back. "Please don't leave me!" I screamed. " you make me feel happy I I liked that kiss even if it meant nothing." I said. My hands tightened to his shirt. " I can't lose you" I whispered hearing voices come towards me. "Y/n come back inside it's dangerous out" Charlie stoped mid sentence. Vox started laughing. "You think I can love" he said my heart stopped. "Wha-what" I asked "haha ha that hilarious you actually haha you actually though I would like someone like like you" he stopped "if I being honest I can't love anyone and it would be irrational to assume I was able to~" he said in a singing voice. I stood there and let my arms fall to my sides. "Than what's the point of even living anymore!" I screamed. He was taken back by this. "I can't ever get you off my mind dumbass you can't kiss someone and suspect they wouldn't fall for you" "it's not possible I have never loved someone before" I said "not until now" I said. Tears were threatening my eyes my vision was so blurry cause of it. My head was hurting my mind was full of thoughts. "So tell me dammit why the hell did you kiss me was it to make Alastor angry?"I said my voice sounding broken I felt something warm drip down my face when I felt it and looked at it. It was black coming from my eyes. I ignored it. "Because if so your really messed up for that Voxy~" my words sounded like venom. I walked toward the hotel but before I reached it wings were behind me. I though it was husk but when I turned around the wings spun with me. I felt my back. I have wings?! I was shocked but then the shock turned to anger. I lifted my hand at Vox. I was so mad that he played with my feelings just to anger that strawberrypimp. Something shot out of my hand. It hit him knocking him down. I smiled. "You know you should never ever play with a black widows feelings" I laughed he smiled. "So were playing dirty now it's funny your fighting a overlord so I'll do my best to kill you" he snickered. I smiled "very funny darling but there's something you should know bout me" I said filled with joy. "Oh and what is that" he asked "I'm one of the angels that fell down with Lucifer at a young age" I screamed running towards him. He stood still and didn't move he took a step back.  I stabbed Him in his shoulder. I laughed insanely. "C'mon let me see that wicked smile darling"I screamed at him my foot was on his chest. Firmly I pressed down harder. "Smile" I said. His eyes flickered with fear. "SMILE" I yelled he flickered on a smile. I lifted my leg and walked to the hotel. I stopped and realized what I had done. "Vox I'm sorry" I said "we got on the wrong foot so let's start over" I said holding my hand out. "My names Y/N what's yours?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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