Chapter 9

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Bella, Jasper and Rose were coloring till Bella fell asleep coloring. Jasper got up and Picked up Bella and went to her bed and sped to her closet and got some pj's for Bella, he put them on her without waking her while Rosie cleaned up her room. Once they were done they wen out of her room and did something for the rest of the night.

The rest of the family came home early in the morning. Edward went straight to Bella's room. No one was Surprised. The next day Bella woke up early and Esme went to the kitchen to cook for Bella while Alice and Rose went to get her dressed. When they came down stairs Bella was in stylish jeans with a brown belt that had butterflies on it and a plain white shirt with a black and red flannel around her waist. She looked cute. She ran to Edward and picked her up "You look beautiful Bella." Edward said and she giggled Edward went to the kitchen and sat her down while Esme put down her food.

                         Third P.O.V.
When Bella's was done eating Alice and Rosie were in Bella's closet picking out an outfit Alice saw today being warm, but cloudy so the whole family is taking Bella to a carnival. It was going to be a surprise for Bella. Alice finally chose on a white long sleeved top that had pink flower on it and ripped jeans.

Alice came out of Bella's room and Rosie was washing Bella and Alice came in while Rose was finishing and When Rose got her dried off Alice helped Bella with the clothes and Rose straightened Bella's hair and put a headband on her. They took Bella down the stairs and got ready to leave. After about 15 minutes they left the house. It took half an hour with the Cullen's driving. Edward got Bella out and Bella was jumping up and down in excitement when she saw all the fun rides and food and games.

                        Bella's P.O.V.
When we got to the surprise I smiled. Edward came and got me and picked me up. I was bouncing up and down when I saw all the fun rides and games and food. I was bouncing in Edwards arms and smiling like it was Christmas morning. "Bella hold still for a minute ok? They gotta put a braclet on you so you can ride the rides lovey." Edward said to me.

I pouted but nodded. He laughed at me. I smiled. The man put the bracelet on me and I smiled. My whole family got some to so they can ride rides with me. We want on the courosel and I rode that with every one in the little seats they have.

I smiled on the ride and when it was over I got on a rollercoaster for little kids and it had a few hills and it was really fun. Then we got on another ride that we could all ride and I smiled next to Edward where he sat next to me. After that we got on a lot more rides.
                           1 hour later

We have been at the carnival for an hour. I walked up to Esme and said "Esme I am Hungary can I get something to eat?" Sure darling. The rest if the Cullens were on rides even Carlisle while Esme watched me. I smiled and took her hand and we walked up to a food cart. "Hello can we get 1 hot dog please with ketchup on the side?" The man nodded and started to make a hot dog while he did that he kept looking at her. I shifted uncomfortably

"Mom can I have your phone real quick?" Esme looked at me confused and I just ignored her while I grabbed her phone. I wen tto the contacts and saw the name Carlisle. He thought me how to read. I dialed his number and put it up to my ear. "Hello Esme." "Hello daddy." I said loud enough for the man to hear and he looked at me and at Esme. I looked at Esme and she had on a smirk. "Hello sweetie why are you calling me? Is Esme alright?" he asked worried. I laughed and lowered my voice.

"Nothing is wrong it's just that Mom and I went to a food cart and the man inside is giving Mommy a weird look and i don't like it. Can you come and stop him please and maybe even the rest of you, they probobly can hear me already." He laughed and I laughed and Esme laughed. "You have been hanging around Emmett to long." He said laughing "But I love Emmy so I am fine." I heard his laugh on the other side to. "So wanna come and be funny and help us. Please!!??" "Alright, alright, I will help Bella." "Yay. Thank you love you bye!" I said humping up and down. The man looked at me with a questionably look.

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