Friends or more?

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•Izuku POV•

Kacchan is amazing! He hates me though. I don't know why... Like what did I do?! I walk to U.A. nervously. I've always had a "little" crush on Kacchan. As I enter the gate to U.A. I feel a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly I'm surrounded by news reporters. The bombarded me with questions. I felt a warm rough hand grab my wrist I wince in slight pain and suddenly I'm in the school. "Be careful nerd." I hear a gruff voice say. "I-i uhm...." I say flustered. "Tch just be careful he said while grabbing my arm and heading to class. Again I wince in pain. He let go of me as we entered the class. I put my head in my arms staring at my desk. I sat with Uraraka and Iida on the rooftop at lunch. "Hey uhm Deku-Kun. You don't have lunch..." Uraraka says a worried look plastered on her face. "Yeah Im just not hungry... " I say. I felt a tug on my arm and suddenly I'm pulled down the staircase and into the bathroom. "oi nerd why don't you have a lunch?!" Kacchan yelled looking me in the eye. " I-i'm not hungry" I say as my stomach growls. "Oh really?" He said pinning me to the bathroom wall by my wrists. I wince in pain. Oh god I hope he didn't notice! "Why did you do that?..." He asked me. " D-do wh-what?" I say nervously. "Nevermind" he said letting me free but grabbing my hand before I could rush to the roof. "Deku.... I LIKE ER LOVE YOU!" I pinched my arm thinking maybe this was a dream. Nope. That hurt like hell. I looked Kacchan is the eyes. "Oh uhm....." I said all flustered. "I li-ke uh-mm l-l-lo-ve you t-t-too......."I say looking away. I felt warm arms around me. I hug back slowly trying to get used to Kacchans hugs. "I-i uhm i-i'm g-g-gonna g-go!" I yell running out the bathroom. I felt my heart melt as I ran back to my friends. "Midoriya whats wrong!?" Iida yelled confused.
"N-nothing!" I say rubbing the back of my neck. The rest of the day went by super quickly. I was on my way home when Kirishima jumped out of nowhere and hugged me from behind.
"Oh! Kirishima you scared me!" I yell giggling. "My bad Midoriya! Well anyway I'm so proud of you!" Kirishima yelled. "Hm? For what?" I say confused. "Bakubro told me about today and all that!" I blushed at what Kirishima had said. "oh yeah! We uhm thanks I guess..." I say looking at him. "Your so many I could never confess to my crush!" He said almost yelling. "Oh? Kirishima you have a crush?" I say curious. "Mhm oh Midoriya this is my turn. " He said stopping. "Oh okay ! Bye Kiri!?" I yelled. Oh? Bye Izu?!" He yelled we both chuckled at the new nicknames.
As I continued walking i saw the old playground Kacchan and I used to play at. I decided to walk over to it." So many good and bad memories..." I mumbled to myself. I continued to walk entering the forest that leads to the bridge Kacchan fell off of. I sat down on the bridge my legs dangling off of it. I thought of a new nickname for Kacchan. Hothead? No. Steamy? smokey? Angry Pomeranian? "Pfffft I giggled at that one. "What's so funny?" I heard a voice from the other side of the bridge say. "O-oh uhm Kacchan! It's err nothing!" I say really flustered.
"Mhm?" He said walking over to me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me back to the swings. He sat me down on one." Let me push you nerd." He said in a questioning voice though it wasn't a question. "O-o-okay!" I giggled."fucking nerd." I heard him mumble to himself."h-hey Kacchan?" I say. "yeah nerd?" He responded. "If you think I'm a fucking nerd then can think your fucking hot?" I ask realizing what I just said I blushed. "Sure~" he said pulling the swing down kissing me. "Wanna come hang out at my place?" Kacchan asked. I was still shocked from the kiss but said yes after the rain hit my head. It was soon pouring rain. Kacchan grabbed his Backpack and put it over his head I did the same. We ran to his house. We bust through the door panting. We both look at each other and start laughing . "Your so cute when your wet" Kacchan said with a slight smile. I stared at Kacchan for a second. "Wahh not like that!" He said we both started to laugh again. We stopped laughing and looked over to the kitchen. Mitsuki was standing there sipping coffee while wiggling her eyebrows at us.
I blush and rub the back of my neck.
"Er uhm you wanna take off your jacket?" Kacchan asked smiling awkwardly. "N-no thanks......" I said not wanting to reveal the scars. "Uh okay. " He said taking his jacket off revealing his muscles. I blushed as Kacchan invited me to his room. One second I'ma text m-my mom " I said trying to control my stutter. "Okay." Kacchan replied.

I= Izuku M= Mom

I: hey Mom

M: yes Izuku?

I: is it okay if I hang out with Kacchan at his house?

M: of course honey! I'll come over later because Mitsuki and I were already gonna make dinner together.

I: alright thanks mom bye love you!

M: bye love you too!


I walked up to Kacchans room and walked in. (He knocked okay XD)

I walked into the room and put my backpack down next to his bathroom door. Kacchan walked to me and gave me his phone number on a small piece of paper. I blushed and entered it into my phone. He walked back to his bed. I wonder what he's thinking about.

hola soy dummy thicc! okay so that was a long chapter. 1023 words. so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed it! also check out some of my other story's please. love you guys buh bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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