Chapter 23: Benjamin

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I pulled into the driveway of our house. Harley did not leave the bedroom at all during the entire drive from Londonderry to Seattle... or just outside Seattle in a very small town. He and the demons took care of the babies the entire drive back, still not letting anyone else touch them. Kaden had gained control of the onyx, or Ailaro.

We all piled out of the RV, grabbing our bags and bringing them into the house. Ricky left his in the lounge because I was going to drive him home once I put my stuff away. Sav brought her stuff up to her room. I assumed Harley would be staying in Honesty's old room because I sure as Hell knew he was not going back to his house. I also knew that he would not let Kaden in there. Harley brought his and Honesty's bags up.



'Your room will be Harley's old room. Second floor, turn right, all the way down the hall on the left. I assume he is staying in Honesty's old room.'

Kaden nodded and made his way upstairs. I grabbed mine and Thalia's bags and brought them up to our bedroom. I began unpacking the bags, placing the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Then, I just threw the bags in the corner.

I went back down the stairs, picking up Ricky's bag as I went by. Ricky came out of the kitchen with an apple and followed me out to the truck. I threw his stuff in the back of the cab and climbed into the driver's seat. Ricky slid into the passenger's side and sighed.

'I really hope Harley comes out of whatever mood he is in.'

I frowned, 'If he has not by now, he probably never will.'

Ricky groaned, 'Of course. Why make this easy at all?'

I laughed and drove down the driveway.


After coming back from dropping Ricky off, I fell into the chair in the lounge. Harley was coming down the stairs with Angel following close behind. For a split second, I swore I saw a look of worry on Harley's face. That caused me to perk up.

'So, Fiona is capable of taking care of the children for the night?' he asked the demon.

Angel nodded, 'Yes. Everything will be fine.'


'I would like my payment.'

Harley nodded and removed the emerald amulet from his neck. He dropped it into Angel's outstretched hand. Angel just smirked in response, 'Pleasure doing business with you.'

'The deal still has the same guidelines?'

Angel laughed, but it sounded dark, 'Of course. Do you doubt me so much that you would think I would change the parameters of our deal?'

'Of course not.'

'Then why do you keep asking?'

'Paranoid I guess.'

Angel nodded, 'Well, you know for a fact I will be back to complete our deal. However, I may come over every now and again to just see the little ones, okay?'

'Of course. There is no problem with that. You are the godfather.'

'And you made Fiona the godmother?'

'Of course. I would not got back on my word.'

Angel nodded and disappeared. Harley turned and saw me. His eyes narrowed into a glare. I raised my hands up in surrender.

'Hey, you live your life how you want. I have no relation to you. It is not my place to judge you. I was just curious as to what your deal was.'

'The same made by Apple and Sébastien Amiot and Ashton and Damien Caswell made.'

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