Cut The Nonesense!

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Ami stood there frozen, not knowing what to do in till he spoke. Hello Ami nice to see you again.Mingyu said with a smile. Hi to you too, but who are you exactly?Ami said, she knew she had to lie. Stop acting I know you know me Ami I just came to- '' Mingyu was caught off by Ami. Cut the nonsense Mingyu! I know damn straight you did not just come back to japan to freaking apologize to me after you left me broken! You even said it yourself. I'm so naive for not noticing earlier.Ami shouted walking away leaving him dumbfounded. Instead of going to class Ami went home with tears in her eyes she never thought he would ever come back. Once Ami got home she listened to music, then the song she and mingyu would sing all the time came up and she started crying even more but sang along.

Laughing secretly and crying secretly, While hiding my state

The day that seems to be beyond my capacity pass by

Today as well, the words that cant be said. And can only be reflected on inside ones heart

Im having a hard time, Im having a hard time ,Im having a hard time

Whenever youre having a hard time. You can be hugged by me, I am the same

No matter how much you hide it. You Know that it wont ever be covered up

So we can smile together

Dont say sorry

Do not worry

Do not be scared

Do not cry now

To me, You are very precious

Can you tell yourself who had a hard time

That Im here. That youve worked hard. That I love you

That I will hug You.

While Ami was singing along she fell asleep. The next Sally and Lily picked Ami up and told her that mingyu was going to sing with his friends. Ami just nodded her head she wasnt in the mood to talk. Mingyu coming back to japan made Ami even more sad. She loved him, Ami was planning on telling him that same day but she couldnt because mingyu had already said he didnt care about her. Those words kept repeating in her head did he really mean it she thought to herself everyday. When they arrived at the school building they headed straight to the auditorium. Are you feeling a little better Ami?Lily said with a small smile. Ami didnt want to worry them too much so she just nodded her head yes. Umm can I Ask what we are doing here?Ami said confused. Ami had forgotten what they said on the way to school. Im assuming you forgot what we said, but anyways what I said was that Mingyu and his friends are going to sing. They call themselves seventeen. Sally said with a smile. Ami was a little surprised Mingyu was going to sing but she knew he really wanted to become an idol one day. Oh. ok.Ami responded calmly.

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